Town of York
Plan Commission Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The October 4, 2016 York Township Plan Commission meeting, held at the York Town Hall, was called to order by Chairman Curt Moen at 8:10 P.M. Verification of proper notice was given. Plan Commission members in attendance were Moen, Brian Bubenzer, Marselino Miranda, Linda Yates, and Terri Nipple.

The minutes of the last meeting were read by Brian Bubenzer. An addition was made to the minutes. Yates moved to accept the minutes with the addition, seconded by Miranda. Minutes approved.

Old Business:

  • Chairman Moen reported that he has seen the copy of the CSM regarding Sandra Erb’s proposal. He has also spoken with Jim Jenson and advised him to contact the county regarding square footage requirements for a home.
  • The Plan Commission also reviewed some dwelling unit allotments that need to be sent to Dawn Doran in order for her to update the data base.

New Business:

  • Nana Schowalter, RLCC chairperson, sent an e-mail requesting $40 for a map of soil types prepared by Rob Sommers, GIS Specialist, Green County. Bubenzer moved to approve this map with the assumption that this will by the final map. The motion was seconded by Miranda. Motion passed. Chairman Moen questioned what the RLCC meant by a series of maps. How many?
  • The RLCC also reported that they are continuing to work on the Livestock Siting Ordinance for the Town of York.

Public Comment:

  • Moen advised Plan Commission members to help make the public aware that real estate transfers need to start with the Plan Commission. The reason for this request is to help the Plan Commission keep the data base updated.

A motion was made by Miranda to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Yates seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Moen.

The next meeting of the York Township Plan Commission will be November 1, 2016

(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple, Plan Commission Secretary)