Minutes of York Township Plan Commission Meeting- September 2, 2014
The September 2, 2014 meeting of the York Township followed a scheduled Public Hearing held by the York Town Board regarding changes in Ordinance #10-4 and the addition of a new form “Notice of Land Transfer” to be used in updating the new Land Tracking Data Base. Plan Commission members in attendance were Curt Moen, Heidi Hankley, Marselino Miranda, Brian Bubenzer, and Terri Nipple.
Meeting Minutes:
The September 2, 2014 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by Chairman, Curt Moen. Notification of legal posting was given. All Plan Commission members were in attendance. Others attending the meeting were Dan Reeson, Bob Marks, Georgia Heller and friend, Mike and Sheila Lien.
Minutes of the August 2014 were read. Bubenzer made a motion to approve the minutes. Hankley seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as read.
Bob Marks presented a proposal regarding a 5.003 acre parcel. (Tax parcel #136-1 and #136-2) These are off of tax parcel #136. No dwelling unit allotments will be sold. The PC is requesting a copy of the CSM when it is available. Bubenzer moved to advance Mark’s proposal to the Town Board, seconded by Nipple. Motion passed. A Preliminary Parcel Division form was completed including a recommendation recorded by Curt Moen, Chairman.
Mr. Marks also proposed a question of whether there should be 6 or 7 dwelling unit allotments on his parcel. The PC will need to determine this later.
Georgia Heller requested clarification of the number of dwelling unit allotments on her property. It is believed that there are two (2). Hankley will check her maps to verify this information.
Mike and Sheila Lien-Survey map #2632 were also requesting verification. There are 2 dwelling unit allotments.
Dan Reeson submitted a list of subdivisions that may be designated by a plat map. The PC will have Hankley check the data base regarding these plats.
The York Township Plan Commission wishes to thank Todd Larson and Nancy Anderson for contributing a considerable amount of time and work on the ordinance revision. Larson (a former PC member and attorney) assisted with revising and updating the language in Ordinance #10-4 before his departure from the PC and Nancy Anderson, Town Clerk assisted Secretary Terri Nipple with a lot of typing and editing of the revision. The PC greatly appreciates their contributions of expertise and time.
Miranda made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 P.M. The motion was seconded by Hankley and the meeting was adjourned. The next Plan Commission meeting will be on October 7, 2014.
(Respectfully submitted by Terri Nipple PC Secretary).