Title: Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Location: Postville Town Hall
Description: Tuesday, June 14th, 2011


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Verification of Proper Notice
  4. Approval of May Minutes
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Bills
  7. Patrolman’s Report
  8. Plan Commission (RLCC meeting times)
  9. Public Comments

Old Business

New Business

  1. Redistricting Resolution
  2. Polling Place Accessibility
  3. Jim Klassy – Driveway Refund
  4. Driveway Refunds Forfeited
  5. Driveway Refunds – John Mueller (Gould Hill Road)


Start Time: 8:00pm
Date: 2011-06-14
End Time: 10:00pm