Title: Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Location: Postville Town Hall
Description: Tuesday, August 9th, 2011


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Verification of Proper Notice
  4. Approval of June Minutes
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Bills
  7. Patrolman’s Report
  8. Plan Commission
  9. Public Comments

Old Business

  1. Town Garage Repairs
  2. Klassy Driveway

New Business

  1. Recycling Supervisor Applications/Applicants
  2. Employer Grievance Procedure (WTA Magazine)
  3. Concealed Carry of Weapons in Public Buildings (WTA Magazine)
  4. LP Contract
  5. Charges for Public Services
  6. Resolution or Ordinance for Green County “All Hazards Mitigation Plan revision (by 11-1-11)

Start Time: 8:00pm
Date: 2011-08-09
End Time: 10:00pm