Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, Clerk Nancy Anderson and citizen Tim Czerwonka. Verification of proper notice was given.
January Minutes– Dan Truttmann move to approve the January meeting minutes, Steve Hermanson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report– Ann presented the January financial statements noting we received our first transportation aid payment. Adjust 2014 Budget- The Board also discussed the final adjustments to the 2014 budget. Dan Reeson move to approve the 2014 budget as adjusted, Steve Hermanson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Bills– Nancy and Dan Reeson presented bills to be paid. Dan Reeson move to approve all bills, Steve Hermanson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report– Patrolman not present.
Plan Commission-The Plan Commission did not meet this month.
Old Business
- Freightliner Truck– Steve had L&S Truck Service Inc. come to the Town garage with a computer to analyze the truck. The truck has a number of problems which may be fixed for $4500 – $5000. The Board is not certain they want to spend that amount on the truck. Steve will search for other trucks on the market. Then the Board will decide what they want to do.
New Business
- Diesel Contract-The Board decided to prepay for diesel fuel before the price begins rising again. Dan Truttmann move to approve the diesel contract for $2.24 per gallon, Dan Reeson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
- Implements of Husbandry-The Board discussed the various Road Classifications available to us, and which one the Town of York would be using. Dan Reeson, at a previous meeting was approved to be the appointed permitting agent for this program. We also needed to appoint a second person to fill in for the primary permit person when necessary. Steve Hermanson move to appoint the clerk as the second contact person, Dan Truttmann 2nd the motion. Motion carried. Dan Reeson move to choose option #3 as our Road Classification in which the weight restriction may be seasonal – Class B or other limit, Steve Hermanson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
- Weed Notice-The Board received the annual letter from the USDA concerning weed violations and the procedure to follow in a violation situation.
- Bridge Inspection Information-The Board received notification of the bridge at Sawmill Creek which would be eligible for replacement, or we could choose to put weight limit restrictions on it. There will be more discussion on the matter.
Adjournment– Dan Truttmann move to adjourn the meeting, Dan Reeson 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk