Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson and Clerk Nancy Anderson. Verification of proper notice was given. Steve Hermanson move to approve the June, 2014 minutes, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report– Ann presented the June financial statements and current driveway reports.

Bills-Nancy presented a list of bills to be paid. Dan Reeson move to approve the bills, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report– Wayne is finishing debris removal from recent storms. He also is checking estimates to have the tractor rims sanded and painted. On another matter, the board is considering putting up a yield sign on Poplar Grove Road by the Ron Erickson farm as a safety measure.

Plan Commission

Review/Approve database tracking letter– The Board reviewed and approved the Plan Commission’s letter announcing the new database for tracking dwelling unit allotments attached to owners’ parcels.

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Ann Carlson agreed to handle the printing, folding, envelope stuffing and postage. York will be responsible for adding the labels. The letter will be mailed in mid-August. The Board also reviewed the Notice of Land Transfer and the original Preliminary Parcel Division Inquiry.

Schedule Public Hearing– Dan Reeson move to hold a public hearing on September 2nd at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussion to amend the Land Division-Development Ordinance for parcel tracking and dwelling unit allotments, and approve the Notice of Land Transfer. All citizens are invited.

Public Comments– Dan Reeson attended and Emergency Management meeting in Monroe to discuss the recent tornado damage. Much of the damage in York was done to agricultural buildings, and farmers are able to use tractors to remove debris and such. Other parts of Green County had mostly residential damage.

Old Business

  • Implements of Husbandry Options A-F– The Board will visit the Wis. DOT website for agricultural equipment to gain more insight as to which option would work best for our Town.
  • Progress of the Schultheiss, Jahnke-Sauer Driveway– Dan Reeson will contact the parties to determine what progress has been made for a driveway upgrade which needs to be completed by the end of July.

New Business

  • Trash Pickup Day– Recently there has been a concern about the recycling bins being full and people being turned away. An additional recycling bin has been acquired. The Board will monitor the situation and see whether or not this alleviates the problem before considering any other options.
  • Driveway Refunds– Jon Forde(Sunnyside Road)- Dan Reeson move to approve a driveway refund of $1000.00 to Jon Forde, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Adjournment– Dan Truttmann move to adjourn the meeting, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Nancy Anderson