Monday, March 7, 2016
The March 7, 2016 meeting of Rural Lands Conservation Committee (RLCC) was called to order by Nana Schowalter at 1:10 PM. Roll call was taken with Nana Schowalter, April Prusia, Dan Truttman, Bob Bergman and Bethany Storm all present.
Verification of posting.
Motion to approve meeting minutes from January 4, 2016; Bergman. Seconded by Truttman. Motion approved.
Public comment from Anna Maria Bliven; rumors of a CAFO moving in on Hay Hallow and 39 brought her to the meeting. She lived 2-3 miles from a CAFO in Juneau County and said she often smelled it and there were groundwater issues in her community. The committee hadn’t heard of a CAFO application and informed Mrs. Bliven what we were organized to do and what has been done in York Township to date.
Discussion of what has gone on in Sylvester and Decatur Township and at the Green County Land and Water Committee meetings.
Discussion of a need to continually include and educate the citizens in York throughout the process, and to keep an open dialog between us and the community as a whole.
Discussion of Dougherty Creek being on the EPA’s 2016 list of 303(d) Impaired Waters. Motion by Schowalter to discuss CRP on the Otteman property with Green County Land and Water Conservation Department. Seconded by Storm. Motion approved.
Discussion on a list of items to discuss and research throughout the year.
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM by Chairperson Schowalter.
The next meeting of the Rural Lands Conservation Committee will be April 4, 2016.
Respectfully submitted by Bethany Storm, RLCC Secretary