Town of York
Regular Town Board Meeting
September 11, 2012
8:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were chairman Dan Reeson,, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson. Verification of Proper Notice was given. Dan Truttmann move to approve the August, 2012 minutes, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report– Ann noted that the Town received its August tax settlement from Green County in the amount of $70,448.65.
Bills– Bills were presented from Lakeside International, NAPA Auto Parts, and Ed Gerner for the new Town sign. Dan Reeson move to approve all bills, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report– Trash bags left at the Claude Weber farm on Hwy 39 have finally been removed. After talking with Jeff Wunchel about the bridge report, Wayne concluded that the only thing needing to be done is to cut down trees by the bridge on Farmer’s Grove Road. The new landscaping is almost completed.
Plan Commission– Heidi Hankley spoke for the Commission, stating that the Commission is still waiting to see whether or not the County will do parcel tracking. RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a new feature available to the County due to the new Land Records Program. It provides and easy way to read the latest postings such as an RSS feed for each new parcel that is created, and is being made available to the Towns in Green County. Dan Truttmann noted that the County should be voting on Farmland Preservation before the end of this year.
Public Comments– None
Old Busisness
Repairs to bridges– Wayne commented in his Patrolman’s Report.
Landscaping– Almost done.
Trash Vendors– Steve had spoken to Tim at Pelliteri about the fuel/environmental charge, estimated state generator tax, and the three year guarantee that Faherty had offered.
Faherty’s prices appear to be out of reach. The Pelliteri fuel surcharge begins at 6.75% on fuel costing over $3.00 per gallon. The state generator tax is included in his price. His price is raised no more than once a year and is based on the consumer price index. He will pick up six(6) eight yard trash and four (4) eight yard recycling bins once per week. The cost will be $1517.26 per month verses our current bill of $1924.25 per month, a savings of $400.00 per month or $4800.00 per year. Dan Truttmann will have one more vendor next month before we make our final decision.
New Business
Bill Kuenzi/Greens Prairie Cemetery Report– Bill’s report follows:
The early spring caused an unusual situation for all property owners that desired to burn their prairies. We were only able to have the south 1/3rd of the cemetery burned this year.
Dr. Ralph Henry and I removed the two dead elm trees on the north fence this past spring.
We had another successful Memorial day gathering. 58 were in attendance this year and a number of them had never been to GPC for a Mem Day activity before. David Green, Town of York resident, was our major speaker. Marilyn wrote an article for the Pec-Leader. Kim Tschudy took many pictures. Dave has been doing a great deal of research about families whose relatives are buried in GPC. He is going to publish a book in due time. He has found another veteran of the War of 1812, namely Robert Peebles. A stone is coming and Tollakson Memorial will set it and will reset the James Biggs stone.
Dennis Mason and a couple of other Civil War re-enactors called the roll of our veterans buried in GPC. They used a Mountain cannon to accentuate the conclusion of their portion of Memorial Day.
We were pleased to have the Legion Post of Blanchardville provide and place the flags on the graves of the veterans buried in GPC.
We have again purchased flea beetles to continue the attack on the unwanted invasive leafy spurge.
We have two trees that were girdled two years ago that can now be removed.
Several groups have been in to study the fauna and gather seeds too.
We continue to hunt for records of former GPCA officers to no avail yet.
Our current officers are Marilyn Jaeger, Sec., Dan Gaertzke, Treas. Of NG, Paul Lokken, Jodi Bubenzer, Carla Ufken of Town of NG-Directors and I am President. 4 of the 6 are from York.
A number of GPC friends hosted Assemblywoman Ringhand at GPC in early spring to acquaint her with the prairie in the cemetery. She had been contacted by the Green County Council of American Legion who had complained about GPC. The council wanted the state Legion Posts of support them to overturn Judge Beers ruling. They did not receive such support for many Legionaires realize the combination of history, prairie and veteran honor is not incompativle in GPC.
Respectfully submitted,
William E Kuenzi Jr.
Adjournment– Steve Hermanson move to adjourn, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk