Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, Tuesday, October 13th, 2015
8:00 P.M.

Roll Call/ Verification of Proper Notice-
Approve September Minutes-
Treasurer’s Report-

  1. Omitted Taxes

Patrolman’s Report & Evaluation-
Driveway Permits

  1. Bill & Bard Liegel

Plan Commission-

  1. Report on CAFO’s?

Public Comments-

  1. Copy of GPC burial sites
  2. Dan Ziehle- Relief snow plow driver/brush cutter

Old Business

  1. Mirror Hang Tags

New Business

  1. New Glarus Fire District Budget-
  2. Steve Pillings-Blanchardville Fire Department Budget-
  3. 2016 Budget Plan-
  4. Review and Amend Recycling Ordinance-
  5. Schedule Budget Hearing and Public Hearing(Recycling Ord.)-Mon. 11/23/15

Driveway Refunds

  1. Mike Byers (york Heights)
