Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
8:00 P.M.
Roll Call/ Verification of Proper Notice-
Approve June Minutes-
Treasurer’s Report-
Patrolman’s Report & Evaluation-
Driveway Permits-
Plan Commission-
- Bernhard Schultheiss
Public Comments-
Old Business
- Recycling Issues-Mirror Hang Tags
- Approve and Sign Delinquent Special Assessments Contract
- Resolution and Referendum for Citizens United v. FEC
- New Truck-Frame Extension for Plow (add on)-Sign Warranty
- Newsletter articles due today!!
- Discontinue aluminum can recycling temporarily
- Website Revamp
New Business
- Green’s Prairie Annual Report
- Preliminary Budget Planning
- WTA Dues Raised- $130.00 from 492.00 to $621
- New Truck Payments $38,000 in 2016
- Review and Amend Recycling Ordinance
Driveway Refunds
- None