Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
8:00 P.M.

Roll Call/ Verification of Proper Notice-
Approve June Minutes-
Treasurer’s Report-
Patrolman’s Report & Evaluation-
Driveway Permits-

Plan Commission-

  1. Bernhard Schultheiss

Public Comments-

Old Business

  1. Recycling Issues-Mirror Hang Tags
  2. Approve and Sign Delinquent Special Assessments Contract
  3. Resolution and Referendum for Citizens United v. FEC
  4. New Truck-Frame Extension for Plow (add on)-Sign Warranty
  5. Newsletter articles due today!!
  6. Discontinue aluminum can recycling temporarily
  7. Website Revamp

New Business

  1. Green’s Prairie Annual Report
  2. Preliminary Budget Planning
    1. WTA Dues Raised- $130.00 from 492.00 to $621
    2. New Truck Payments $38,000 in 2016
  3. Review and Amend Recycling Ordinance

Driveway Refunds

  1. None
