Title: Town Board Meeting
Location: York Town Hall
Description: Regular monthly Town Board Meeting to be held at the York Town Hall beginning at 8PM. The Public is always invited to attend.
Start Time: 8:00PM
Date: 2011-04-12
End Time: 10:00PM


  1. Installation of Officers – Sign New Oath of Office
  2. Call to Order
  3. Roll Call
  4. Verification of Proper Notice
  5. Approval of March Minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Bills
  8. Patrolman’s Report
  9. Plan Commission – Don Anderson resignation, Term Expiration’s
  10. Public Comments

Old Business

  1. Salt Shed Electrical Service Update
  2. Driveway Refund List Update

New Business

  1. Updating Website
  2. Driveway Ordinance Amendment
  3. Dog Tax Ordinance
  4. WTA Online Education Service
  5. Topics for Annual Meeting
  6. Weed Notice
  7. Driveway Refund – Todd and Ann Carlson (Prairie Brook)
