Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 10th, 2016
8:00 P.M.
Roll Call/ Verification of Proper Notice-
Approve April Minutes-
Treasurer’s Report-
Patrolman’s Report-
Driveway Refunds
- Gregory Erickson-Gould Hill Rd.
(Need estimate for road damage before refund approved)
Driveway Permits-
Town Road Repairs-
- Pete Koch
Plan Commission-
- Joel Zimmerman
- Collin Gray
- Variance
Rural Land Commission Committee-
Public Comments-
Old Business
- Results of Water testing program
New Business
- New Lawn Tractor
- Kim Peterson-Mobile greenhouse at recycling center
- Approve Water Resolution
- Approve Citation Ordinance #16-02
- Dates for Open Book and Board of Review