Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, Clerk Nancy Anderson, Patrolman Wade Jones, Rural Land Commission Committee members Bob Bergman, Nana Schowalter, Bethany Storm, and citizen Meg Pokorney. Verification of proper notice was given. Steve Hermanson move to approve the March minutes, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report– Ann went over the financial statements for March. There was little activity.

Bills– Nancy and Dan presented April bills to be paid. Dan Reeson move to approve the bills, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report– Wade has completed more tree cleanup work on Buckeye Rd. Wade informed the Board that this will be his last week. He has found employment elsewhere.

Plan Commission– No one from the PC was present. Dan noted that there were two properties recently purchased by farmers who would like to sell off the buildings and retain only the crop acres for their farming operations. Dan will contact the two owners to determine what the next step might be.

Public Comments– None.

Old Business

  • Continue discussion of part-time patrolman– Since Wade has decided to find employment elsewhere, the Board did not continue this discussion.
  • Proposed Citation Ordinance Exhibit A– Citations for recycling violations have been added to the schedule.

New Business

  • Review new loan amortization schedule-The newly revised amortization schedule has substantially lowered our semi-annual payments, which will be due in August and February.
  • Plan to aid the New Glarus Fire District with expansion of facilities– Dan Reeson move to allocate $5,000 per year for two years to aid the New Glarus Fire District with their expansion plans, Steve Hermanson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
  • Approve Moratorium on Livestock Facilities Ordinance #16-01– After the recent public hearing and discussion about the proposed moratorium, Steve Hermanson move to approve the moratorium, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The Rural Land Commission Committee also provided the Board with a “Resolution for Water Study in Green County” requesting the Green County Board of Supervisors to allocate funds for a hydro geological water study to be conducted by the UW Extension as soon as possible. This matter will be placed on the May agenda.

Adjournment– Steve Hermanson move to adjourn the meeting, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk