Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The meeting was held as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Steve Van Hout, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given. Minutes for the Tuesday, March 9, 2021 Board meeting were presented. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the minutes for the March monthly meeting; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report; Bills- Jessie Schlumpf asked whether she is approved to pay the Board’s salary and per diems; she will pay for the 4/20/2021 annual meeting. The Treasurer’s report was presented. Steve Van Hout asked to see a comparison of the LP costs for the Town Hall since the repairs were done. Steve Van Hout will suggest that the new Board up their budget for signs.
Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. She also reported that the Motor Fuel Tax refund has been submitted ($421.17), the Town will be receiving its portion of the Lottery and Gaming Credit of $6,574.12 on April 15, 2021; and, the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”)has designated funds for York Township, to be used by 12/31/2024 (estimated at ~$17,000, but subject to change). Steve Hermanson moved to approve the financials for March 2021; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report- Steve Hermanson reported that he and Wayne Bue have been cutting trees along all of Gould Hill and Sawmill, as well as part of Sunnyside. It is a safety issue; we have had requests from the schools, utilities, and farmers to trim. 90% of people have been happy about the trimming. The mower was down for 2 weeks and was repaired under warranty. Hydraulic oil/filters for the excavator have been changed; the hydraulic oil was overheating. Aring Equipment was supposed to have changed all the oil and filters but had not done the hydraulic oil. They will continue with tree cutting as time allows before full “leaf out.” Steve Hermanson also reported that the power washer does not work; Wayne needs to be able to clean the road equipment as part of its maintenance. Steve Van Hout made a motion pick up a new power washer; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
Additional signs are missing and have been ordered, plus more mounting brackets from New Glarus Welding. Upon delivery Steve Hermanson and Wayne Bue will install them using Denny Marty’s boom truck (nominal fee to rent the truck). The Board discussed whether to get seal coat bids or having Green County do the work; Steve Van Hout is meeting with Dan Truttmann next week and they will discuss this. Steve Van Hout reported (via Dan Truttmann) that additional salt/tailings are available through Green County (prices will be going up next year) and he will check with Wayne Bue on the number of loads to order per our storage space availability.
Plan Commission Report- Bethany Storm thanked the Board for their service. She also reported the approval of three land transfers. The Plan Commission has been reviewing the “Housing” chapter of the Comprehensive Plan (waiting for census data). She recently received a question from a realtor on the worth of a “dwelling unit.” She will reach out to the Southwest Regional Plan Commission about the resources available for Comprehensive Plan review – coming up in 2-3 years (required every 20 years).
Public Comment- Bethany Storm asked what efforts are being taken regarding the stolen road signs, whether the Green County Sheriff has been contacted. Discussion was held regarding using game cameras and checking whether the Town’s insurance would cover the cost of the stolen signs. The replacement signs will be installed on telephone poles or double-high signposts (no telephone pole).
Jessie Schlumpf reported that an open records request has been received for all absentee applications and photo ID for the Nov. 2020 election. She replied to the requester quoting a price (4 copies x 275 voters at $0.25/copy, and $15/hr. for ~10-20 hours) to compile and redact the records, requesting written confirmation of forthcoming payment before starting the project. The Board suggested the hourly rate should be $25/hour and Jessie will inform the requester of that change to the project quote.
Avery Schiefelbein, Business Development Manager of Bug Tussel Wireless introduced himself & said residents are welcome to contact him (#608-334-7079, The Postville Rd. tower does not have an activation date (hopefully in 8-16 weeks), equipment has been hard to obtain due to COVID. Currently there are no plans for additional towers. Jessie Schlumpf questioned the “line of sight” problem with the tower on Hwy. 39 and Mr. Schiefelbein reported that it will be retrofitted with 4G LTE (does not require line of sight). Steve Van Hout asked whether ~$17,000 could purchase a tower and was told maybe the footings. Bug Tussle will reward a $100 VISA gift card for referrals – contact him for more information. Tim Czerwonka mentioned the possibility of an ad from Bug Tussel in the Town’s yearly newsletter to help underwrite the cost; Mr. Schiefelbein would consider it. Bethany Storm and Steve Hermanson think an ad from a business would not be appropriate in the Town’s newsletter.
Old Business-
- Gardiner Appraisal “exterior” revaluation or “full” revaluation contract- Jessie Schlumpf reported that both the “exterior” revaluation and the “full” revaluation qualify for revaluation compliance for “5-10 years, depending on the market.” The Town has received one warning and must revalue next year for 2023. Discussion was held on the two options’ price difference ($17,200 vs. $22,800), COVID concerns with the full revaluation option, and the market’s fluctuation. The Town’s current level of assessment is 81.62% and we should be at 95-105%. Jessie Schlumpf reported that Greg Gardiner has been having trouble with cancellations for his assessment appointments for Board of Review. Steve Van Hout moved that we go with the exterior revalue for the present situation; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
New Business-
- Pellitteri Waste Systems – new contract- The Board discussed the savings outlined in the email and new contract (over $3,700 annually). Also, the extra pick up has been dropped, saving the Town money. Steve Hermanson moved to accept the new contract for Pellitteri Waste Systems; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
- Aluminum can recycling funds- Steve Hermanson reported that in the past Wayne Bue used these funds to purchase tools (Wayne needs 1 ¼” to 2.5” wrenches); Tim Czerwonka said Wayne should purchase the tools the Town needs. Sally Nealis has been giving the funds to area school districts and youth groups. Steve Hermanson has used his cattle trailer to haul the cans (a messy job); Wayne or Steve Hermanson can continue to haul them. If they haul them, the recycling check should be made payable to the Town of York. Steve Van Hout will call Ms. Nealis on this.
- 4/20/2021 Annual Meeting – virtual OR in person- The Board stated their preferences. Steve Hermanson, Steve Van Hout, Jessie Schlumpf, and Dan Truttmann will attend in person; April Prusia could do both; Tim Czerwonka prefers to attend virtually; and Travis Leonard did not state a preference. Social distancing will be practiced. Virtual attendance will be available for the meeting (audio only – see the posted agenda for the Zoom and phone links on the Town’s website).
- Bug Tussle- See “Public Comments” above.
- Trent/Kelsey Hendrickson driveway (Tyvand Rd.)-variance request- Kelsey Hendrickson presented a letter outlining their plans, photos, expressed their pride of ownership and need for employee housing close to their farm. Tim Czerwonka reiterated past Board action tabling this request. Tim Czerwonka moved to table the Hendrickson driveway application until such time that the new Board can convene; second by Steve Hermanson. The motion carried, with Steve Van Hout opposing. Ms. Hendrickson was instructed to call Dan Truttmann to address this.
- Fenske Homes LLC driveway permit – Lot 14 Pondrose- This property is at road level at the road so no culvert needed; Bethany’s husband went outside during the meeting and then reported the elevations should be fine. Steve Hermanson moved for a driveway permit for Fenske Homes LLC Lot 14; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
- Jeffrey/Patricia Klossner (Elbin property) driveway permit – #23032-01070000, Hwy. 39, east of Drammen Valley Rd.- This is very level along the 1040 elevation line, emptying on Hwy. 39; shared driveway will have specified width. Steve Van Hout moved to accept this driveway permit for Lot #23032-0107000 Hwy. 39; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
- Mark Muench driveway permit – #23032-00960100, Lot 1 CSM #3639- This is for a shared driveway ¼ mile east of Hwy. 78 on Hwy. 39 – it is pretty flat, width will be appropriate. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the driveway permit for Mark Muench #23032-00960100, Lot 1 CSM 3639; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
- Marc Movrich driveway permit – Buckeye Rd.- This location is quite flat with good sight distance from both directions; Steve Van Hout has looked at it; located SW of the Peterson farm on Buckeye Rd. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the driveway permit for Marc Movrich on Buckeye Rd.; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. He is working with Green County to get his fire number.
- Robert/Teresa Nicholas driveway permit – Loyalty Rd.- This driveway permit was issued on 5/19/2017 and the permit was extended to 5/19/2021 (approved at 3/10/2020 Board meeting). It must be post-inspected by the 5/19/2021 date or an additional extension must be obtained. Jessie Schlumpf was instructed to inform Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas to take their driveway permit to Green County to obtain their zoning and sanitary permits, as well as contacting Scott Jelle for their building permit.
- Mark/Sandy Meisberger – Kevin/Cheryl Kovall land transfer- This transfer is for Lot 4 CSM #4097 and has 1 dwelling unit, in Woodland Estates on Jeremiason. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the land transfer between Mark and Sandy Meisberger to Kevin and Cheryl Kovall, Lot 4 CSM 4097; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
- Mark Muench – Bart Schley & Mark Muench land transfer – 23032-00670000 & 23032-00700000- This is for Land Unit ID #04-005, has 2 dwelling units, with ~64 acres; originally had 11 allotments. Tim Czerwonka moved to approve the parcel division from Mark Muench/SNM LLC to Bart Schley and Mark Muench for parcel ##23032-00670000 and 23032-00700000, 64 acres, dwelling units being transferred 2, dwelling units remaining 9; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
- Mark Muench – SNM LLC land transfer – 23032-00680000, 23032-00690000, 23032-00800000, & 23032-00840000- This transfer is for ~160 acres. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the land transfer from Mark Muench to SNM LLC, 23032-00680000, and then 23032-00690000, 23032-00800000, next 23032-00840000, and 9 dwelling units to go with this; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Mark Muench thanked the Board for its tree trimming efforts.
- Tree Trimming- Steve Van Hout mentioned the public comment letter from former clerk Heidi Hankley; he spoke with Wayne Bue on this; Wayne’s plan is to take branches down until leaves emerge, then clean up later, and fence repair. Steve Hermanson said that using the chipper will be much slower than burning the trimmed material. It will take 3-5 years to get caught up on this tree trimming (without chipping). Many roads have not been trimmed in 40-60 years. Some roads currently have only 3-6 feet clearance. They hope this trim will last 5-7 years, and it will be much less work for future trimming. The Town’s right of way is 33 ft. from the center of the road (i.e., 66 feet total). Steve Van Hout reported that Green County would charge ~$1,000/day for this work. Steve Hermanson reported that Green County has a crew of 6-8 people; the Town has 2-3 for this work. We are saving the Town money by doing this. There also must be room for the mowers to move through. The Town is required to trim trees on all Town of York roads and doing the best we can.
Mr. MacDonald asked to comment. He agreed on the safety and sight line issues but is upset that prairie apple and hazel nut trees were cut in the Town’s right of way. He asked for a less aggressive approach and that people be contacted before trimming.
Adjournment- Steve Hermanson moved to adjourn; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer