Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given.
Public Comment- Jessie Schlumpf thanked her election workers; and Wayne Bue for the accessible voting booth. Todd Larson acknowledged support for his election to the Green County Board of Supervisors. Carrie Czerwonka, Chuck Bauer, John Knicker, Meg Pokorny, Kristi Leonard, and Pete Leonard commented on ATV/UTV’s: safety and liability concerns, registration/licensing requirements, connecting to neighboring communities, supporting economic development and tourism, hours of operation, a trial run for a limited period of time, notification of any route(s), education of residents on areas of concern, experience of neighboring towns, the route approval process, DNR rules for their use; Green County has researched the issues. Gary Thompson asked to be added to the May agenda regarding driveway modifications he plans. The Board will view his driveway when assessing all town roads later this spring.
Patrolman’s Report- Wayne Bue attended the Green County meeting and reported that prices have increased for road materials/services. The Board approved purchase of a front spring booster for the Ford truck ($218); Wayne will install it. The flap for the plow is here; Wayne has not installed it. Paul Venden inquired whether a culvert is needed before a concrete driveway is installed. Wayne will obtain a sign for Steffen Lane from Decker Manufacturing. The Board discussed town roads needing gravel, grading, potholes fixed, guardrails for safety, sod peeled from snowplowing. Lakeside Truck is now taking truck orders for 2024. Weight limit signs will come down ~ May 1. Jessie Schlumpf reported (via WTA) that job posting for patrolman does not need to be posted or advertised; i.e., the Board is free to hire any qualified candidate. The board has begun discussions about hiring a patrolman this summer or fall, prior to Wayne’s retirement.
Plan Commission Report- Dan Truttmann reported the Plan Commission finalized and adopted the Comprehensive Plan updates. The Commission also discussed and drafted their suggestions regarding ATV/UTV’s (a limited route, with 95% resident buy-in). Two applications were received for the open seat on the Plan Commission. (See below.)
Chairman Report- Todd Hasse has completed research for discontinuing town lanes; Dan Truttmann has not received a response from town counsel on the next step(s). Dan and April Prusia reported on the WTA District meeting, including Board of Review training, a presentation on ARPA, and road funding.
Business Items-
Jim & Karen Meuth – driveway permit Buckeye Rd- The Board discussed slope issues and sight lines. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the driveway permit for Jim and Karen Meuth on Buckeye Rd; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
Ron Strommen land transfer to Kiel Stampfli- This land transfer includes 2 dwelling units on the west side of County A. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the land transfer from Ron Strommen to Kiel Stampfli including 2 dwelling units; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
Appoint Plan Commission member- The Board discussed the qualifications of applicants Aaron Gifford and Chuck Bauer. Dan Truttmann appointed Aaron Gifford to the Plan Commission for a 3-year term beginning in May.
Adopt Comprehensive Plan revisions- The Plan Commission voted 5-0 to adopt the resolution approving the Comprehensive Plan update . The Board discussed the additional revisions approved at the April 6 Plan Commission meeting. April Prusia moved to pass Ordinance #2022-1 – An Ordinance Adopting Updates and Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of York; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. Arlo Paust will check into the cost of framing the new “Vision Statement.” Jessie Schlumpf will coordinate posting the resolution and the ordinance, as well as notifying neighboring towns, villages, local libraries, and schools of the Comprehensive Plan update.
Appoint Emergency Management Director- Dan Truttmann talked with a person considering the position. The Board will think about additional candidates. Tabled until the May 2022 Board meeting.
Appoint Weed Commissioner- The Board discussed the scope of the position (i.e., noxious weeds per state statute). Tabled until the May 2022 Board meeting.
ATV/UTV ordinance- The Board discussed this issue at length. Travis Leonard made a motion that we open town roads south of County H for ATV/UTV use; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried. NOTE: Applicants must apply to Green County for a route; the Sheriff and Green County must deem the route safe; ATV/UTV club will provide signage, including compensation for patrolman upkeep of signage. The Town of York will start the ordinance drafting process; this would include a public hearing before adoption.
Recycle Center signage- The Board discussed the proposed signs. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Recycling Center signage as presented by April; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Tree & brush clearing – notify resident(s)- The Board discussed how to facilitate notification. Jessie Schlumpf will post a notice on the website: “Tree and brush clearing will commence, weather permitting, before trees bud out.” Tree and brush clearing may also be done in the fall, weather permitting.
Report on Board of Review and ARPA WTA presentations- See “Chairman Report” above. Board of Review training is now required every year. Jessie Schlumpf has not been notified of dates for open book or board of review. The Board discussed uses of ARPA funds, such as fire and EMS costs.
“Little Library” at Recycle Center- The Board is supportive of the idea of a “little library” near the Town Hall, but not at the Recycle Center.
Minutes of March 8, 2022, Town Board Meeting – Minutes for the Tuesday, March 8, 2022, Town Board Meeting were presented. Travis Leonard moved to approve the minutes; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report, and ARPA update- The Treasurer’s Report was presented. Travis Leonard moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried. ARPA: Jessie Schlumpf asked for the Board’s input on items to include on the April 30, 2022, annual report to Treasury.
Bills- Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills as presented; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Adjournment- Dan Truttmann moved to adjourn; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer
April 8, 2022
RE: ATV/UTV use recommendations in the Town of York as decided by the Plan Commission
After reviewing public comment, researching, and discussing the issue; the Plan Commission believes that:
● ATV/UTVs were not designed to be driven on the road and should not be an allowed use in the Town of
● Safety of our residents is our primary responsibility.
● Many of our roads have limited sight distance, curves, hills and no shoulder or safe place to pull aside.
● The Town will receive no financial benefit from allowing ATV/UTV usage.
If the Board deems it necessary to allow the usage we recommend that the following be considered:
1. The safety of our roads for vehicle traffic
2. Consider special organization of planned rides and special events in lieu of opening the roads year round.
3. The liability of allowing such an activity: consult an attorney and create our own Ordinance, in line with our Town’s
Vision Statement
4. Obtain 95% buy-in from the landowners adjacent to Town roads being considered for an ATV route. Those
residents will be most affected by the change in Town policy.
5. Consider a proposed route limited to the south west corner of the Town along Guild Hill Road and Yankee Hollow
Road to connect existing routes. Guild Hill would easily connect the Town of Blanchard to the Town of Adams via
Sawmill Road.
6. Posting of signage for trail routes to be paid for by the ATV/UTV club, including funds to cover our patrolman’s
time to install and upkeep the signage.
Respectfully submitted by Bethany Storm, Town of York Plan Commission Chair.