Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM. Town Chairman Steve Van Hout, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Heidi Hankley were all present, along with 2 members of the public. Verification of proper notice was given. Meeting minutes for the Tuesday, November 12, 2019 Board Meeting were presented. Tim Czerwonka moved to approve the November 12, 2019 minutes as presented; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried. Meeting minutes for the Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Budget Hearing, Special Meeting to Adopt the Tax Levy, and Special Town Board Meeting were presented. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the minutes as presented; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report- Ann presented her monthly report and noted that the town received the shared revenue payment of $6,108.30 and that we spent our matching funds for road repairs. She presented the current list of driveway permits and noted that many are being completed and refunds sent out. At the end of the year she will update the list for the board. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as given; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.

Bills- Heidi Hankley and Ann Carlson presented bills to be paid. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the bills as presented; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report- Wayne Bue reported that the improvements to the Ford 550 plow truck have been made and is hopeful that the truck will perform better. He installed a shield on the front of the truck that should help with the white-out problem. The cracked windshield has been replaced. Steve Hermanson investigated other truck options in case the improvements don’t solve the problems with the Ford 550. He said there are possibilities for other trucks, both single and tandem axle, that may also benefit the Town in hauling capacity. Steve will evaluate the improvements to the Ford 550 when the snow returns.

Wayne also reported that he would like to rent a boom mower for brush cutting along town roads next week. Steve Hermanson made a motion to rent a boom mower from M&D Equipment in Monroe for 40 hours; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.

Wayne reported to the board that there is a fencing issue next to the Poplar Grove Rd. bridge. A landowner has attached fencing to the bridge structure that could catch debris and cause a blockage that could lead to water on the bridge. He also noted that the fence presents a safety hazard to motorists who may go off the road. Steve Hermanson will look into the matter and get bids for repairing the fence properly.

Plan Commission Report- Plan Commission member, Bethany Storm was not present, but she asked Heidi to let the board know that the Plan Commission recommends that any dwelling units erroneously assigned to roadway parcels be removed from the database. She also discussed this with Tim Czerwonka prior to the Board Meeting. Steve Hermanson made a motion to remove any erroneously assigned dwelling units from road and driveway parcels; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.

Public Comment- Steve Van Hout reported that several people have complained about the new light at the recycling center because it shines in their eyes when they drive east on Highway H. Steve will ask Steve Jorenby to adjust the light to address this.

Ann Carlson noted that residents may notice a $10 Special Assessment fee on their tax bill. The new yearly $10 POWTS (Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems) fee is replacing the $30 fee that residents used to pay every three years for their septic system inspection. Heidi noted that if residents have any questions about the fee, they should call Green County Zoning.

New Business-

  • Paul Venden, Driveway permit- Paul Venden informed the Board of his plan to tear down and replace the garage on his property. After demolition, the current driveway will be extended to the new garage location that complies with zoning regulations. Steve Van Hout moved to grant Paul Venden a driveway permit at W7946 Stewart Rd. at no charge because the work is being done to an existing driveway; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
  • Keith Legler, Driveway permit- Keith Legler submitted a driveway permit application to the board for his property on Gould Hill Rd. He will initially run the driveway to a shed and eventually to a new home. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the driveway permit application for Keith and Melissa Legler on Gould Hill Rd. Parcel number 0646.0000; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried. A fee of $1800 was collected. The Board asked Keith to report back regarding culvert specifications when determined.
  • Small Bridge Inspections- Steve Van Hout reported that small bridge inspections will be done next spring. Related issues regarding ditching along highways 78 and 39 by Green County will be followed up on by Steve Hermanson.
  • Driveway permit refund letters- Heidi prepared and will send out letters to landowners who have not requested their final driveway inspection and refund.
  • Parcel changes for 2020 assessment roll- Heidi informed the Board that Assessor Greg Gardiner is working with the Green County Land Information Office to address some mapping issues for parcels in the town. The County will be correcting issues with the mapping of the Ludwig and Thompson properties and will contact the Town for approval of the corrections. Greg Gardiner is in favor of the changes.
  • Gift card for Carrie Czerwonka- To thank Carrie for the many volunteer hours she put in to create the town newsletter, Steve Van Hout moved to give her a gift certificates totalling $100; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried. Tim Czerwonka recused himself from this agenda item.
  • Election workers for the 2020-2021 election term- Steve Van Hout presented the list of election workers for the next term including Kit Foley, Kelly Hermanson, Marlys Reeson, Nancy Anderson, Harriet Helgesen, Steve Van Hout, Susan Dumbleton, Linda Yates, Ken Olufs, Sue Watrud (substitute only) and Kurt Pierce (as needed).

Old Business-

  • Replacement door for pole shed- Steve Van Hout recommended waiting until next spring to replace the door. The item will be discussed at a future meeting so the town can get on the schedule with the door contractor.
  • Green County Landfill Application- The Board discussed the pros and cons of entering into a contract with the Green County Landfill and decided that such a contract would open the Town up to problematic liability, so no further action will be taken on this matter.
  • Amendment of the Driveway Ordinance- The Board discussed the merits of amending the driveway ordinance to remove the options of surety bond and cash bond in lieu of the $1000 cash deposit. The board will review the ordinance to identify any other possible changes before proceeding.

Adjournment- Steve Hermanson moved to adjourn the meeting; second by Tim Czerwonka, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Heidi Hankley, Clerk