Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The meeting was held as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Steve Van Hout, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given. Steve Van Hout reported a change of the agenda: New Glarus Fire District contract was postponed until the March 2021 Board meeting. Minutes for the Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Board meeting were presented. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the monthly Board minutes for Tuesday January 12th; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Minutes for the Thursday, January 21, 2021 Caucus for April 6, 2021 were presented. Tim Czerwonka moved to approve the minutes for the Caucus for April 6, 2021; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report- The Treasurer’s report was presented. Steve Hermanson moved to approve the financials for January 2021; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
Bills- Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. Steve Van Hout requested that check #10648 be voided; the Treasurer will reissue that check to the correct recipient. Tim Czerwonka moved to approve the bills as presented/revised; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report- Steve Van Hout reported that Wayne Bue will report back to work on March 1, 2021. A set of tire chains for the grader were lost; new chains have been purchased and are in the big building. Steve Hermanson reported that he and Travis Leonard performed road/driveway cleanup from the storm with the tractor and grader. He also suggested for next year that snow fence be put up on north Postville Road and the top of York Center (close to Hwy. 39). Steve Van Hout reported that replacement signs have been ordered for York Center, Hay Hollow and Badger, plus two 5 MPH signs and 2 red flags for the Recycling Center. He also purchased brackets for posting signs on electric/ telephone poles (high up to discourage theft). The Board discussed the possibility of a basket for the Volvo excavator for installation of the brackets, cutting branches. Further discussion was held regarding how much we have missed Wayne Bue; Steve Hermanson and Travis Leonard want to be more familiar with Wayne’s maintenance records, etc.
Plan Commission Report- Bethany Storm reported that there were no land transfers, etc. from their February meeting, and that the Plan Commission is continuing to review the Comprehensive Plan, chapter by chapter. She asked whether telecom tower placement/approval could be part of the Broadband Committee discussion/planning. Bug Tussle built two towers, with driveway permits, but the driveways were not built to spec and driveway refunds have not been requested. One is near Postville and the other one is on Kim & Cindy Peterson’s land (Hwy 39).
Broadband Committee Report- Tim Czerwonka reported that the State has few options available and that it appears that York Township is “underserved.” The Bug Tussle tower can only provide “line of sight” service. AnnaMaria Bliven will contact Bug Tussle about the possibility of additional smaller towers. The Broadband Committee will address the issue of placement of telecom towers. The Board revisited the two Bug Tussle driveways requested (either not built or built not to spec), as well as possible penalties under the driveway ordinance.
Public Comment- Jessie Schlumpf brought up the Green County water testing project, and Bethany Emond-Storm agreed to facilitate test kit distribution and water bottle collection. She will contact Green County. Also, Jessie Schlumpf reported that Rural Insurance issued the Township a $105.00 “special dividend” on our property insurance premium.
Old Business-
- Ordinance review with our lawyer- The possible ordinance review items are: 1) field road/driveway ordinance language (including telecom towers); 2) driveway permit and/or dwelling unit transfer in land contract transactions; 3) whether “lawyer fees recoverable” language should be added regarding landowner ordinance questions; and 4) clarification of the definition of “mobile home” in Ordinance 10-3 5G. The statutory definition lumps trailers, anything on wheels, prefab, etc. under “mobile home.” An ordinance change regarding “mobile homes” would entail attorney review, a public hearing, and subsequent Board action (within 30 days). This process could take 5-6 months, so possible ordinance reviews were tabled pending swearing in of the new Board members in April 2021.
New Business-
- Board members salary discussion- Steve Van Hout reported that the Town of York is in line with salary and per diem payments compared to other local townships. Most townships pay mileage, as does the Town of York. Steve Hermanson confirmed that salaries were updated two years ago. Steve Hermanson moved that Board member salaries stay at the present rate and per diems at the same rate as they are now for the next term; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.
- 2020 Budget Reconciliation- The Board discussed the adjusted 2020 budget expense numbers — election expenses were way over, and the excavator purchase. Most adjustments were for relatively small amounts. Tim Czerwonka moved to approve the reconciled budget titled “2021-01-13 Reconciled 2020.xlsx” for the Town of York; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried. (The “2021-01-13 Reconciled 2020.xlsx” can be seen at this link.)
Adjournment- Steve Hermanson moved to adjourn the meeting; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer