Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson. 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson was not present. Verification of proper notice was given. Tim Czerwonka move to approve the December minutes, Dan Reeson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report-Ann noted that there were significant expenditures in December due to payment of emergency services, assessor fees, salaries and Plan Commission and Rural Land Conservation Commission per diems.

Bills-Nancy presented bills to be paid. Dan Reeson move to approve the bills, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report-Wayne has been cutting trees. He said the old IHC plow truck is in need of more repairs.

Old Business

  • Security Cameras for Recycling Center Update-Tim has purchased four “Security Cameras in Use” signs for the Recycling Center. There is ongoing discussion about how to prevent people from entering the facility when there is no supervisor on duty.
  • Bauer Neighbor’s Property Update-The property in question has become a dumping ground for broken concrete, rocks, a boat and truck and other materials. It is adjacent to the Bauer property and an eyesore. It appears that little can be done about this unless it can be proved that these are materials from a construction business.

New Business

  • Budget Adjustments-Ann sighted a number of accounts to be adjusted slightly upward in our 2018 budget, since we have already exceeded our 2017 budget in those areas, and prices for everything continues to rise. Dan Reeson move to adjust the budget, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
  • New Building permit Procedure-Applications for new homes only will now have to be applied for online. The County will no longer be involved, and the application will go directly to the State of Wisconsin. Instructions for gaining access to the application will be posted on the Town of York website.
  • Hourly Wage for Snow Plow Drivers-After some discussion, it was decided that since we no longer have a full time patrolman, but rather, depend on part time help, it would be beneficial to increase wages for all part timers. Dan Reeson move to raise wages for longtime employee Wayne Bue from $19.25 to $22.25 per hour, for Snow Plow lead driver Travis Leonard from $16.50 to $18.00 per hour, and secondary snow plow drivers from $14.50 per hour to $16.00 for the first year, then $18.00 per hour after that, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Adjournment– Dan Reeson move to adjourn the meeting, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk