Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson, along with Nana Schowalter, Meg Pokorney, Scott Littell, and Larry Hendrickson. Verification of proper notice was given. Steve Hermanson move to approve the June meeting minutes, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report- Ann provided financial statements noting that we received a Forest Crop payment in the amount of $2597.11.
Patrolman’s Report-Dan reported that Wayne has been pushing trees off the road since our recent heavy rains, and he will begin mowing the roadsides again soon.
Driveway Permit-Scott Littell/Bug Tussel Wireless– Dan Reeson move to approve a driveway permit on County H on the Ron Strommen property for Bug Tussel Wireless, Steve Hermanson 2 nd the motion. Motion carried and $1800.00 collected.
Plan Commission- Larry Hendrickson land division- After gaining approval from the Plan Commission last week, Larry presented his land division proposal and sale to the Board. Dan Reeson move to approve the land division for Larry and Marie Hendrickson, Steve Hermanson 2 nd the motion. Motion carried.
Rural Land Commission Committee- Nana Schowalter was hoping for an update on the Livestock Siting Ordinance that the RLCC had been working on. Dan noted that he had called the Town lawyer several times, leaving messages, but has not heard back as of yet. Nana will scout around looking for a lawyer who has had experience with such matters.
Public Comments-Dan Reeson said he had just received the new bridge inspection report. He will talk to Wayne about weight limit signs on Gould Hill Rd. over Erickson Creek, and also some work around the Badger Rd. Bridge over Sawmill Creek.
Old Business
- Snow Plowing Contractors– Some possibilities for compiling a list for York residents are Scott Busch, Grow Tech Turf, and New Glarus Concrete. The Board will continue its search.
- Stewart Road Cemetery Fence Repair- It appears that a neighbor managed to repair the fence.
New Business
- Allegiant Oil LP contract– Dan Reeson move approve the purchase of 400 gallons of LP fuel @$.99 per gallon. Steve Hermanson 2 nd the motion. Motion carried.
Adjournment– Steve Hermanson move to adjourn the meeting, Tim Czerwonka 2 nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:04 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk