Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given.
Public Comment- Bethany Storm stated her opposition to allowing ATV/UTV use on town roads; Curt Moen stated his approval of the same, but only on designated routes.
Minutes June 8, 2021, Town Board Meeting- Minutes for the Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Board meeting were presented. April Prusia moved to approve the June 8, 2021, minutes; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report and ARPA update- The Treasurer’s report was presented. Jessie Schlumpf reported receipt of the first 1/2 of the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funds for York Township ($49,089.55). Wis. Municipal Clerks Assoc. (“WMCA”) members have been asking for use ideas. “Revenue loss” is less than a “4.1% assumed annual growth rate.” Jessie was contacted by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel after commenting on ARPA’s “Interim Plan” and asked, “should ARPA funds be available for road infrastructure?” Most towns in Wisconsin are rural and need the funds for road upkeep. Travis Leonard moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
Bills- Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. Ivey Construction bill is a Town responsibility. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills as presented; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report- The Board discussed the quotes for replacement rear tractor tires. Dan Truttmann moved to purchase the Mitas radial tires from Pomps for $855.00 each plus mounting; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. Patrolman Wayne Bue will start mowing town roads again. The bridge on Sawmill at Yankee Hollow needs a small patch to the pavement; brush to be cut at a bridge; gravel needs to be swept at another; and the bridge on Badger will be replaced in the future. Wayne will ditch on Tyvand. Durapatch is done on Tyvand and Lee Valley; Yankee Hollow has not been done yet.
Plan Commission Report- Bethany Storm reported the Plan Commission will complete the Comprehensive Plan update in the next couple of months. Goals are next month, with a poll mailing planned. A “public participation plan” will be up for adoption at next month’s Board meeting.
Business Items-
- Curtis/Joan Moen land division- Todd Hasse presented documents on this land division at W7434 Poplar Grove Rd. Travis Leonard moved to approve the land division for Curtis and Joan Moen; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
- RockCliffe – State Rd 39 driveway access update- Atty. Larry Konopaki reported that Scott Hinkle of DOT has been open to alternatives. Atty. Konopaki said the Town of York has helped facilitate between Rockcliffe residents, Green Co., & the DOT. RockCliffe residents should continue their discussions with Green Co. & DOT on the driveway location & should pursue obtaining an easement or covenant/line of sight agreement for the inside curve where trees have been/will be cleared. Mark Muench, Scott Gatzke & Trevor Fyler commented on the access issue & permit process. Also, Susanne Arndt questioned Atty. Konopaki on the “8 lot” limit on Green Co. driveways, & he suggested they obtain a variance from the County showing undue hardship. The Board will consider creating a resolution to support a possible variance request to Green County by RockCliffe residents. (It was determined after the meeting that the subdivision was created before the 8-lot ordinance went into effect.)
- Ordinance Review- Atty. Konopaki discussed the ordinance review process. He will review the ordinances recently sent to him, & issues under county zoning. The Board stressed the importance of the Town’s vision statement. The Board will discuss reviewing ordinances in the most cost-effective manner & correcting possible gaps. Atty. Konopaki suggested starting with the driveway ordinance by the Plan Commission reviewing it, the Board doing the same, & then review by Atty. Konopaki.
- Friends of McKellar Park Pool (Marsha Crooks)- Marsha Crooks & Beth Kundert presented plans for the proposed pool, a letter from Village President Nicholas Crooks asking for a donation & spoke about their current fund-raising efforts ($380,000 so far, with projected cost of $1.7 million), proposed location, timeline & past pool use (including agreed use by the school). Jessie Schlumpf will check with the Wis. Towns Assoc. (“WTA”) whether the McKellar Park Pool project would qualify under “tourism/recreation” as an allowed use under ARPA or if an out-of-township donation would be legal.
- Herthel/Farah Stephens driveway refund – N8234 Postville Rd.- The Board discussed the slope and width. Dan Truttmann moved to approve the driveway refund for Herthel & Farah Stephens; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
- Additional highway expenditures- The Board reviewed previously approved expenditures. Dan Truttmann moved to add to our highway expenditures with Green County $2,800 for durapatch on Postville Road; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
- Rules/Signage for Recycling Center dumpsters- The Board tabled this item for next month.
- Trent/Kelsey Hendrickson trailer location/siting- Siting was discussed; no action taken.
- Abandoned Camper on Badger Rd- Dan Truttmann emailed Jeff Briggs at Green County regarding this camper (as well as the Diane O’Donnell camper on Hwy. J). Green County has not responded.
- South Central Invasives Partnership- The Board suggested several people to join the Steering Committee. April Prusia agreed to contact those people.
- Poll worker wage survey- Green County clerks answered a recent survey on poll worker wages. In preparation for 2022 budgeting, the Board discussed the wage paid to our poll workers, with April Prusia abstaining. Travis Leonard moved that we change the poll worker wages for Chief Inspector from $9.00 to $12.00 per hour and for regular poll workers from $9.00 to $10.00 per hour; second by Dan Truttmann; April Prusia abstained. Motion carried.
Adjournment- Travis Leonard moved to adjourn; second by April Prusia. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer