Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

 Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.  The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Public Comment-  Gary Thompson asked the Board questions regarding driveway modifications he plans on completing.  He will attend the April Board meeting for more clarification.

Minutes of February 8, 2022, Public Hearing and Consideration of Adoption of Town of York 2022 Comprehensive Plan Update; Minutes of February 8, 2022, Town Board Meeting; and Minutes of February 28, 2022, Special Board Meeting-  Minutes for the Tuesday, February 8, 2022, Public Hearing and Consideration of Adoption of Town of York 2022 Comprehensive Plan Update; the February 8, 2022, Town Board Meeting; and the February 28, 2022, Special Board Meeting were presented.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the minutes of the three meetings as amended; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report, and ARPA update-  The Treasurer’s Report was presented.  Dan Truttmann asked about State Fire Insurance tax; these funds are all paid out to Blanchardville Fire Department and New Glarus Fire District.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  ARPA:  Jessie Schlumpf asked for the Board’s input on items to include on the April 30, 2022, annual report to Treasury.

Bills-  Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills as presented; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report-  Wayne Bue has posted road weight limit signs (~3/01 to 5/01 yearly).  The York Valley sign at Hwy. 39 is missing, as well as at Lee Valley at Hwy. 78.  Wayne will order the York Valley sign; he thinks he may have an extra Lee Valley sign.  The 18” deflector for the plow for Ford truck has been ordered.  Wayne will order springs for the plow on the Ford.  The Board discussed alternate parking during the summer for the International plow truck (to cut down on rust issues), as well as other equipment storage needs.  They also discussed the option of purchasing a tandem truck in the future.  Steve Hermanson and Travis Leonard prefer to be “on call” for next year’s plowing, preferably three people to plow.  The Board also discussed Wayne’s future retirement and hiring a replacement(s); preferably with appropriate training time.  The Board asked Steve Hermanson if he would be interested in the summer patrolman duties; he would be willing to help but does not want to be full time or on call all the time.  April Prusia asked Wayne about the gravel that has accumulated behind the dumpsters as they are emptied and replaced at the Recycle Center.

Plan Commission Report-  Bethany Storm reported several inquiries she received about land divisions without the transfer of a dwelling unit.  The Board discussed the feasibility of transferring or buying dwelling units, possible price for a dwelling unit, etc.

Chairman Report-  Dan Truttmann reported the O’Donnell and Badger Road trailer owners have agreed with Green County to deal with moving or obtaining the proper permits in June.  He and April Prusia also reported on the Wis. Towns Assoc. Green County Unit meeting topics:  broadband; the Sheriff talked about ATV/UTV’s; cell tower siting, including the need for towns to draft an excavation ordinance; and working with an engineering firm to write grants for roads or infrastructure projects.

Business Items-

Jim & Kari Meuth – land division-  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the land division for Jim and Kari Meuth; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Resolution designating alternate polling place in the event of an emergency-  With Postville Blacksmith having new owners, the Board discussed using the business as an alternate polling location.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the resolution designating alternate polling place in the event of an emergency (Resolution #2022-1); second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  Jessie Schlumpf will work on getting the required accessibility survey completed as time allows.

Appoint Emergency Management Director Coordinator-  The Board discussed possible candidates and will contact those individuals.  Tabled until the April 2022 Board meeting.

Comprehensive Plan update-  Bethany Emond-Storm provided a brief synopsis of the updates to the draft at the March 1, 2022, Plan Commission meeting, public comments, and updated tables and graphs.  The Board and Bethany discussed several small changes to the draft and revised the “vision statement.”  The Plan Commission will address the required resolution at their April 6, 2022, meeting; the Board will address the required ordinance at the April 12, 2022, meeting.

Recycle Center signage-  April Prusia looked at the kiosk and talked with Cindy Peterson suggesting “can take” versus “cannot take” language, posting our website address, and promoting composting.  April will ask Kim and Cindy Peterson to check on the cost (~$100-$150 budget).  Travis Leonard suggested keeping the Facebook page updated; the Board discussed posting capabilities of a Facebook group versus a Facebook page.  Suggestions for posts included:  1) whether the “plows are out,” and 2) notifying our plow drivers of problem areas, etc.

Adjournment-  April Prusia moved to adjourn; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 9:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer