Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given. Minutes for the Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Board meeting were presented, with a correction to Mr. MacDonald’s name. Travis Leonard moved to accept the April 13, 2021 minutes; second by April Prusia. Motion carried. Minutes for the April 29, 2021 Special Board meeting were presented. April Prusia moved to accept the April 29, 2021 minutes; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report- The Treasurer’s report was presented. Jessie Schlumpf reported on state payments received, as well as recycling funds from the aluminum cans. She also reported the receipt of more information on American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funds for York Township – “assistance to households to support internet access … is an eligible use to respond to the [Covid] impacts …” (possible uses: hot spots, Green County tax collection fee, and Zoom Pro account) – to be used by 12/31/2024. April Prusia moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Bills- Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. Travis Leonard moved to approve the bills; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report- The Board asked Patrolman Wayne Bue for his road repair priorities (following the 4/29/2021 inspection with Green County). He said Tyvand Road needs patching and chip seal. Tyvand is getting underground power and needs to be ditched. Lee Valley, Yankee Hollow, Dougherty Creek and Postville Rds. need work as well. Travis Leonard thinks patching should be done this year (asphalt prices may go up considerably next year), with chip seal next year on suggested roads; he agrees Tyvand should be patched and sealed this year. Wayne Bue reported a new mower deck is being installed (under warranty) at K&L in Darlington. Most replacement signs have been installed using Denny Marty’s lift truck. The dead maple tree by the Town Hall will be taken down.
Plan Commission Report- Bethany Storm reported one land transfer approved. She also reported to Dan Truttmann on dwelling unit work. She has an appointment to talk to SWRPC for direction and advice on reviewing and/or updating the Town of York’s Comprehensive Plan. The Plan Commission reviewed Chapter 6 – Transportation. She reported there are ~470 available dwelling units associated with parcels of less than 11 acres in the Town of York, out of a total of 1,235.
Public Comment- Keith Steffen stated his opinion of the driveway/dwelling the Hendricksons want to place on Steffen Lane and its proposed location. Todd Larson also questioned the site location of that same dwelling.
Business Items-
- Robert & Teresa Nicholas driveway permit extension (Loyalty Rd)- Teresa Nicholas stated that they are in the process of receiving a building permit and plan to complete construction within the year. Dan Truttmann moved to grant a driveway permit extension for 1 year for Robert & Teresa Nicholas to 5/19/2022; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
- Jimmy Doescher driveway permit (#23032-00700000 Hay Hollow)- Travis Leonard and Dan Truttmann inspected the proposed driveway site (individually). Discussion was held on sight lines and locating at the top of the knoll. April Prusia moved to approve the driveway permit for Jimmy Doescher on Hay Hollow Rd; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
- Carol E Friedrich Revocable Living Trust – Frenchtown Farms, LLC land transfer- Dan Truttmann questioned Bethany Storm on the history of 44.13 acres having 7 dwelling units, with dwelling units being clustered together, and the best ag land being kept agricultural per the Town of York’s vision statement. April Prusia moved to approve the land transfer from Carol E Friedrich Revocable Living Trust to Frenchtown Farms, LLC of 44.13 acres with 7 dwelling units; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
- Pec Valley ATVers- Todd Hanson and Brian Schoenhard presented information regarding a possible ATV trail connecting Blanchardville and Monticello through the Town of York (Meadowbrook, Cty A, Vinger Rd, Yankee Hollow, Gould Hill Rd, to Cty H). Green County is considering opening ATV trails, with local clubs proposing trail maps (approved by Green County), and the County Board now considering. Other local townships have opened local roads. The Board questioned speed limits, laws applicable, taillights/headlights, ordinances regarding open/close times, decibel limits, open intoxicants, signage, traffic numbers. The Board thanked Mr. Hanson and Mr. Schoenhard for their presentation.
- Trent/Kelsey Hendrickson driveway (north off Steffen Ln.)- The Board inspected the proposed driveway and building site on 4/29/2021. The Hendricksons are requesting a driveway permit, with the correct sight lines, etc. – not a variance. And they need affordable housing for their employees. Travis Leonard moved to accommodate the Trent and Kelsey Hendrickson driveway off Steffen Road, for single family residence; second by April Prusia. Motion carried, with Dan Truttmann opposed. It was reconfirmed that the building site would be as inspected on 4/29/2021.
- RockCliffe driveway access to Hwy 39- The Board reported on their meeting with Scot Hinkle (Wis DOT) and Chris Narveson and John Schumacher of the Green County Hwy. Dept. regarding the lack of a valid highway access permit to Hwy 39. Dan Truttmann spoke with Scot Hinkle about a timeline for correcting the driveway access. Scott Gatzke (RockCliffe landowner) also asked who would cover the costs. Dan Truttmann said that the State would not pay for it, and the Town of York would not be responsible but would be willing to help facilitate the process. Trevor Fyler (part of the Gatzke family) asked where the driveway would be relocated. The Board is waiting for more direction on this matter.
- Rules/Signage for Recycling Center dumpsters- Kim and Cindy Peterson presented suggestions for Recycling Center signage to the Board. Discussion was held whether a limit on the number of 30 gal. bags/visit should be enforced, whether truck or trailer loads should be turned away, etc. The Board will review the issue and come up with a plan providing clarity and possible ordinance amendment.
- Camper Complaint – Dianne O’Donnell, Lot 1 CSM 2654- The Board discussed this issue. Dan Truttmann will check with Scott Jelle (our Building Inspector) regarding the proposed occupancy date for the dwelling being constructed on this lot. The Board tabled this item.
- Camper on Badger Rd (next to Jessie Straubahaar’s place)- The Board discussed this issue and asked Jessie Schlumpf to check with Green County for their ordinance. The Board tabled this item.
- Town Road repairs for 2021- The Board discussed the 2021 work orders from Green County. Postville Rd. needs paver patching; Tyvand needs patching and seal coat; Yankee Hollow and Dougherty Creek are smaller amounts for durapatch. Dan Truttmann and Travis Leonard discussed filling some potholes and whether Wayne Bue has some cold mix for patching potholes. Dan Truttmann moved to authorize Green County to do the following road repairs: Postville Rd. at $13,515, Tyvand Rd. at $41,269, Lee Valley Road at $4,943, Drammen Valley Rd. at $12,835, Yankee Hollow Rd. at $3,339, and Dougherty Creek Rd. at $1,050, for a total cost of $76,951; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
- Thank-you gifts to past Board- The Board discussed and acknowledged the lengthy service of Steve Hermanson and Tim Czerwonka, and full term of Steve Van Hout. Travis Leonard moved to get the past Board members $50 gift cards to Kundert’s Main Street Market; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried. Jessie Schlumpf will purchase the gift cards and send to Steve Hermanson, Tim Czerwonka and Steve Van Hout.
- Plant sale at Recycling Center in mid-May- Kim and Cindy Peterson will have plants for sale across from the Recycling Center.
- Ordinance Review- The Board tabled this item until a future meeting.
Adjournment- Travis Leonard moved to adjourn; second by April Prusia. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:22 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer