Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

 Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.  The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Public Comment-  Gail and Scott Phillips asked the Board questions about the Town possibly maintaining/plowing private roads.  The roads would need to be repaired before any Town responsibility would be considered.  Also, town residents expressed their concerns against and for possible ATV/UTV use of Town roads, including the Plan Commission’s recommendations, and the ordinance process.  Travis Leonard suggested town residents registering for a sticker or badge for use of town roads (similar to our tags for use of the Recycle Center), as well as supporting surrounding communities and their businesses.  The Board discussed the process and reiterated their thanks for resident input.

Minutes of April 12, 2022, Town Board Meeting and April 25, 2022, Special Board Meeting-  Minutes for the Tuesday, April 12, 2022, Town Board Meeting and Monday, April 25, 2022, Special Board Meeting were presented.  The Board discussed options for a possible “little library,” including a location.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the minutes for the regular Board meeting as presented and further moved to approve the April 25, 2022, Special Board meeting minutes as corrected; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report, and ARPA update-  The Treasurer’s Report was presented.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  ARPA:  Jessie Schlumpf reported filing the annual report with Treasury.  Johnson Block filed the Form CT on May 9, 2022, and Jessie Schlumpf filed the Form F-65 on May 10, 2022.  Adjusting journal entries were completed at Johnson Block’s direction and Jessie Schlumpf provided the Board with the Profit and Loss Budget versus Actual Report for 2021 reflecting those adjusted journal entries.

Bills-  Jessie Schlumpf presented bills to be paid.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the bills as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report-  Dan Truttmann talked with Wayne Bue about town lanes that need grading (Minert and Kuenzi), and potholes on Stewart and Sawmill.  The International truck has been fixed (an air bag leak under the cab).

Plan Commission Report-  Bethany Storm reported that Aaron Gifford was sworn in as a Plan Commission member.  They discussed the Comprehensive Plan updates with him.  Plan Commission members were advised to look at neighboring town’s ordinances.  Bethany continues to update the Town’s dwelling unit database.  The Board asked questions on available dwelling units.

Chairman Report-  A plant sale will be held at the Recycling Center by Kim and Cindy Peterson.  Atty. Rick Manthe wants legal descriptions and maps to scale for discontinuing town lanes; Todd Hasse (surveyor) will provide that information.  Dan Truttmann met with a representative of Tri-State Windows, Dodgeville, for a quote on replacement windows or window inserts for the town hall.  He will attempt to get an additional quote.  The Board will work on the language for the patrolman job posting – 32 hr. work week, flexible schedule, self-motivated, etc.  Dan Truttmann will speak with the two interested parties about the patrolman job.

Business Items-

Robert Marks Estate (Scott Jacobson) – land division-  The Board discussed this dwelling unit transfer.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the transfer of one dwelling unit for the Estate of Robert Marks from parcel 23032-01340000 to parcel 23032-01390000; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Jimmy/Jen Doescher – Hay Hollow Rd driveway permit refund-  The Board discussed this driveway’s specifications.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the driveway permit refund for Jimmy and Jen Doescher, Hay Hollow Rd; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Robert/Teresa Nicholas – Loyalty Rd. driveway permit extension-  The Board discussed options such as completing the driveway now, etc.  Dan Truttmann will contact the Nicholas’s.  Tabled.

Appoint Emergency Management Director-  The Board discussed possible candidates.  They will provide language to Jessie Schlumpf to post on the website for the open position.  Tabled until the June 2022 Board meeting.

Appoint Weed Commissioner-  Dan Truttmann moved to appoint Aaron Gifford as the Town Weed Commissioner for the period of one year, with a per diem of $40 and mileage per incident; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.

Designate which Town Roads to repair in ’22-  The county said guard rails are not a feasible option for Badger Road.  The Board discussed the proposed road repairs at length.  Travis Leonard moved to approve all of the county’s estimated road work for a grand total of $122,877 (S. Postville Rd – $13,028; Farmers Grove Rd – $4,120; Dougherty Creek Rd – $6,217; Yankee Hollow Rd – $15,800; Vinger Rd – $7,150; Gould Hill Rd – $6,035; Sawmill Rd – $41,507; Bergman Ln – $2,809; Stewart Rd – $6,399; Postville Rd – $19,812); second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  A resolution increasing the road repair budget will be addressed at the June 2022 Board meeting.

Resolution regarding transfer of dwelling units-  The Board discussed this proposed resolution providing direction to the Plan Commission.  Dan Truttmann moved to approve the Resolution Regarding the Transfer of Dwelling Units (#2022-3); second by April Prusia; opposed by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

ATV/UTV ordinance-  The Board discussed the process:  drafting an ordinance, including possible legal counsel, County and Sheriff approval of any route, and a public hearing.  Registering ATV’s would give us data and some sort of accountability.  The Board will also review neighboring town ordinances.

Recycle Center signage-  The signage has been picked up; April Prusia talked with Kim and Cindy Peterson about installation, etc.

Composting demonstration site at Recycle Center and grants-  April Prusia suggested a composting demonstration site at the Recycle Center to educate residents on composting; composting could substantially reduce food waste at the Recycle Center (up to 30% of food waste).  She will talk with Kim and Cindy Peterson about a composting demonstration.  There may be grants available for this.

Adjournment-  Travis Leonard moved to adjourn; second by April Prusia.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 10:22 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer