Town of York
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. The meeting was held as a video conference on Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Steve Van Hout, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessica Schlumpf were present. Verification of proper notice was given. Meeting minutes for the Wednesday, August 13, 2020 Board Meeting were presented as well as minutes from the August 25, 2020 Special Meeting of Town Electors. Steve Van Hout moved to approve the August 13, 2020 minutes as presented; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Steve Van Hout moved to approve the August 25, 2020 minutes as presented; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report- Steve Hermanson made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.

Bills- Jessica Schlumpf presented bills to be paid. Tim Czerwonka made a motion to approve the bills as presented; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report- Steve Hermanson reported that new tires on the back of the plow truck are needed. He and Wayne Bue priced tires at several vendors. Brake work will be needed soon as well. The truck damaged earlier this year will be back by the end of next week; there were delays due to COVID-19. Discussion was held regarding a worn wheel on the tractor and scheduling tire rotation for that problem. Steve Hermanson will contact Don’s Tire about scheduling their tire truck to visit the town hall to put new tires on the plow truck and rotate the tractor wheels. Steve Hermanson moved to purchase 4 new tires for the plow truck ($340 each plus $25 each for mounting); second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.

Plan Commission Report- Bethany Storm reported that the Plan Commission approved a land division/transfer for Joel Zimmerman/Harold Thompson; and approved the Daniel Stefenel land division/transfer. Bethany also reported on Curt Moen’s variance question.

Public Comment- There were no public comments.

New Business-

    • Daniel G. Stefenel, Land Transfer- Daniel Stefenel presented his completed Land Transfer form to the board for their review. Steve Van Hout moved to approve the land transfer for Lot 1, CSM 1008, which has one dwelling unit; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
    • Pondrose Holding Co./Demma, Land Transfer on Pond Rose- The board discussed the possible transfer of lots to Demma. Tim Czerwonka asked that this be tabled until next month so additional information can be obtained. Steve Van Hout made a motion to table the land transfer until additional information is obtained; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Bethany Storm will contact the parties using the phone number on the application and Steve Van Hout will try to contact them as well.
    • Zimmerman/Thompson, Land Transfer and Driveway Application- Steve Van Hout reported that the $130.00 fee for the September 4, 2020 Special Plan Commission Meeting has been paid. Mr. Thompson also signed the Code of Country Living. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve the land transfer from Joel Zimmerman to Harold and Rita Thompson; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried.Steve Hermanson discussed the driveway and culvert specifications; Tim Czerwonka indicated that he had not inspected the proposed site. Mr. Thompson has talked with Green County about the driveway specifications. Steve Van Hout reminded Mr. Thompson to be careful of the 11% grade specification. Steve Hermanson made a motion to approve Harold and Rita Thompson’s driveway application; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried. Mr. Thompson was reminded that the $1,800.00 fee needs to be paid, and Adam Crist indicated he will UPS/overnight deliver the $1,800 fee to Jessica Schlumpf. Tim Czerwonka asked for the Thompson’s current address for return of driveway deposit fees upon completion and approval of the driveway. Steve Van Hout and Jessica Schlumpf will sign the CSM on 9/09/2020 and contact the Thompsons or Mr. Crist. The Thompson will deliver the signed CSM to Green County.
    • James and Robin Oasen, Driveway Application- Statement by the Chairman Steve Van Hout:“Mid-August of this year I noticed a newly graveled driveway had been installed at W7696 State Hwy. 39 owned by James and Robin Oasen. Knowing that the lot had recently sold and that there was no driveway application applied for, and unsure of who the new residents were, I placed a copy of the Town of York Driveway Ordinance #12-3 with my name and phone number and attached it to the fire number. A few days later Mr. Oasen called to apologize stating that they did not realize that application for the driveway was necessary. They were constructing a septic system at the time which required truckloads of gravel and decided to create the driveway at the same time. Mr. Oasen immediately inquired how to file application to correct the situation. Subsequently, now I have the application and fees in hand.”The board members discussed the need to widen the driveway. Steve Van Hout conveyed Mr. Oasen’s sincere apology and indicated that the driveway application fee had been received. Steve Van Hout moved to grant the driveway application; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
    • Sterling Morrow, Unauthorized Driveway- Statement by Chairman Steve Van Hout:“Early in August of this year I noticed base rock with a layer of finished gravel installed on an entry to parcel 210.4 owned by Sterling Morrow. I searched through Township documents looking for any application that may have been submitted by the two previous owners, Mrs. Susan Slattery or Mr. Donald Wicket. I found nothing. Since I did not have a contact phone number for Mr. Morrow, I staked a copy of the Driveway Ordinance #12-3 at the top of the entry where the newly laid gravel was placed with my name and phone number included. Sterling came to my home where we discussed the situation attempting to find a solution. A subsequent phone call also ended without finding a solution.”“It is my duty and obligation as a sworn elected official to see that town orders and ordinances are obeyed per Wis. Stat. 60.24(1). As required, I contacted both Supervisor Czerwonka and Supervisor Hermanson and alerted them about a recently unauthorized driveway that had been installed. Let me be very clear about our procedure. When we alert each other about a driveway inspection pertinent information is exchanged: name of owner, condition of the driveway at present time, and location. Each member then inspects each situation singularly. There is no discussion, determinations, or decisions made prior to a posted scheduled meeting. Any discussions, decisions, or deliberations made prior to a properly posted open meeting are in violation of Wis. Stat. 19.82(2), which we take very seriously. I did however discuss in length this situation with a prior board member and chairman of the board Dan Reeson, which I shared with Mr. Morrow. Several years past Mr. Reeson met with the former owner Mr. Wicket at this property to determine where a suitable driveway entrance could be located. At that meeting it was noted that an alteration to the property in the form of entry had been constructed without application or approval by the Town Board. Under General Provisions of Ordinance #12-3 4.a., ‘No person shall construct, improve or rework a driveway which changes the existing topography of the land without first obtaining a Driveway Permit from the Town of York Board of Supervisors.’ It was also noted that the entry now created to be unacceptable due to several safety factors such as: inadequate unobstructed view, grade above the minimum accepted elevation of 11%, and a number of other issues. Mr. Reeson then suggested another location for the entrance at a site to the North East adjacent to the existing driveway of the residents on the opposite side of the road as a possibility for acceptance by the Board. Mr. Wicket did not file an application and thereafter sold the property to Mr. Morrow on April 22, 2015.”

      Discussion was held regarding the absence of a driveway application, unsafe sight lines, that this is a field road and has been so since 1999, and the potential for liability issues. Steve Hermanson relayed that he had obtained driveway permits for farm access as well as an engineer’s plan for similar field roads. Steve Van Hout asked about heavy equipment turning into the field road taking up both lanes of traffic. Mr. Morrow asked about ordinances in effect in 1999 and any proof of the discussion with Mr. Wicket. Mr. Morrow then requested a special meeting with the Board to be held at his property for the purpose of submitting a driveway application in an appropriate location. Steve Van Hout will contact Mr. Morrow with a time and date for the special meeting and Mr. Morrow will pay the $120.00 fee for that meeting. Notice of the special meeting with the landowner will be posted by Jessica Schlumpf.

    • Diane O’Donnell, Driveway Permit- Board members discussed inspecting the property, gradient, and good sight distance; the driveway will be off a private drive. Steve Hermanson said a culvert may be needed, and Ms. O’Donnell said that Dave Disch had included a culvert in his estimate and that the driveway next door has a culvert. Steve Hermanson made a motion to grant the driveway application; second by Steve Van Hout. Motion carried. Ms. O’Donnell will pay the $1,800.00 application fee and send it to Jessica Schlumpf. Also, Ms. O’Donnell verified that the address on her driveway application is where any driveway refund should be sent upon driveway completion and approval.
    • Contracting with Green County to Collect Real Estate Taxes- Board members discussed the option of Green County collecting all real estate taxes for the approximate sum of $1,820.00. Tim Czerwonka mentioned the incident last year where a tax payment was left in Ann Carlson’s door, it blew away, and was destroyed by Ann’s dog. He also said that the COVID-19 pandemic should be considered when continuing in-person tax collection at the town hall, as well as the expanding clerk duties. Steve Van Hout made a motion to contract with Green County for collection of all real estate taxes for the approximate sum of $1,820.00; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Clerk-Treasurer Jessica Schlumpf will contact Sherri Hawkins of Green County on September 9, 2020 to start the contract process. She will also ask whether York Township can opt out of the contract for future years if the Board would decide to do so.
    • Deceased Deer in Township Roadways/Responsibility for Clean Up?- Steve Hermanson said he had been contacted by the Sheriff’s Dept. regarding a resident complaint of a dead deer on Drammen Valley Road. The officer told Steve Hermanson that the County takes care of removal or the state does. Steve Hermanson removed the dead deer so he would not get another call. Steve Van Hout will call the Sheriff to get clarification on this issue. Tim Czerwonka said he thought the state rule(s) changed around the time of Act 10. This issue was tabled until next month pending receipt of more information.
    • Strommen Lane repair- Steve Van Hout talked with Wayne Bue about the needed repair, and doing cold patch, but it will probably get ripped up and need on-going repair. Steve Hermanson has plowed this road and said it gets heavy use and is in bad shape. There was discussion on whether it should it be put back to gravel, which would affect the approach to the highway. Steve Hermanson thinks there is a culvert, and a house on the road, but is not sure if it is inhabited. Steve Van Hout is waiting for an estimate for the repair cost. Steve Hermanson will talk to Eric Wild about possible double sealing. Steve Van Hout has looked at it, but Tim Czerwonka has not. Steve Hermanson suggested doing double seal at least on the steep part. This was tabled until the October meeting until more information can be obtained.
    • Resignation of Treasurer Ann Carlson- Steve Van Hout presented the resignation letter of Ann Carlson as Treasurer effective August 31, 2020. He also said that thank you gifts were sent to Heidi Hankley and Ann Carlson, and thank you notes from each were received. Steve Van Hout made a motion to accept the resignation of Ann Carlson as Treasurer for York Township; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.Steve Van Hout made a motion to accept the resignation of Curt Moen as Chair of the Plan Commission; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.Steve Van Hout also said that Bethany Storm had agreed to be Chair of the Planning Commission due to Curt Moen’s resignation. Steve Van Hout made a motion to nominate Bethany Storm as Chair of the Planning Commission for York Township, second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. Steve Van Hout mentioned that another member is needed for the Plan Commission. Bethany Storm said that a Board member could be a member of the Plan Commission as well as holding their position on the Board. Steve Van Hout and Bethany Storm will attempt to recruit another Plan Commission member.
    • Card of Thanks for Curt Moen- Steve Van Hout will purchase a thank you gift for Curt Moen in thanks for his years of service on the Town of York Plan Commission.
    • Hire Heidi Hankley as Clerk’s Assistant- Steve Van Hout commented on Heidi Hankley spending substantial time training Jessica Schlumpf regarding the duties of the clerk and suggested that Heidi be compensated for her time spent. Ms. Hankley said she was happy to train Jessie, that Nancy Anderson had trained her, and she did not want to be compensated for her time spent training Jessie. Steve Van Hout made a motion to hire Heidi Hankley as the clerk’s assistant for the upcoming November 3, 2020 election at $18.50/hour; second by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.

Adjournment- Steve Hermanson moved to adjourn the meeting; second by Tim Czerwonka. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer