Town of York
Special Board Meeting
Monday, April 22, 2019
Call to Order/Roll Call– The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Stephen Van Hout, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, and Clerk Heidi Hankley. Also present was town resident, Jason Venden. Verification of proper notice was given.
Driveway Permit– Jason Venden presented the board with his driveway application and layout for installing a driveway on lot 2 of Amber Ridge. The lot is west of County Road J and the driveway will come off of the private road off of Cty. J. Stephen Van Hout moved to approve the driveway permit for Jason Venden, 2nd by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried. A check for $1800.00 collected as well as an additional check for $120.00 to cover the per diems of the board members present at the meeting.
Bills– Heidi presented a bill for $280.00 from Rural Mutual Insurance Company to cover insurance on the new truck. Stephen Van Hout moved to approve payment of the bill, 2nd by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried.
Adjournment– Stephen Van Hout made a motion to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Steve Hermanson. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Heidi Hankley – Clerk