Town of York
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson, along with a number of concerned citizens. Verification of proper notice was given. Dan Truttmann move to approve the July minutes, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report– Ann presented the January through July Budget verses actual income and expenses.

Bills– Wayne presented bills from Fastenal, East Side Farm Equipment, and Sloan. The Board reviewed all bills to be paid this month. The Town did receive a FEMA payment of $5777.95 for the February snow emergency. Also, Dan Truttmann move to approve the 2011-2012 prepaid LP Contract of 800 gallons at $1.999 per gallon, totaling $1590.20, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Patrolman’s Report– We need to send a bill to the Town of Perry for work done on Tyvand Road for $250.00 when we receive our bill from the Green County Highway Department.

Plan Commission– Todd Larson reported that the PC is still working on the tracking of parcels. Hopefully Heidi’s husband, Chip, can help with that project.

Public Comments– The three applicants for recycling supervisor – Kay Amacher, Jamie Bartels and Cindi Allbee – introduced themselves to the Board.

Dan Truttmann needs to apply for a variance for his new garage.

Old Business

Steve Hermanson placed an ad in the Shopping News for work to be done on the Town garage with bids due the end of August, and the work completed by December 1st. He only received one bid so far, with another one coming. The Town will buy the material and only accept bids for the labor.

Horses on the Jill Stockwell property have been out of their pen area a number of times recently. The Green County Sheriff’s office spoke with Dan Reeson and was told to have the Town send a letter to the horse owner requesting she fix her fence within a given time (7 days). Letters should also be sent to those parties affected – Justin Svendsen, Hank and Mildred Joan Stockwell and the Green County Sheriff. If she doesn’t complete the fencing within the allotted time, then the Town will have the fencing installed for her and the cost will be put on the real estate tax bill for that parcel.

Klassy Driveway– Dan Reeson move to approve a driveway refund of $1500.00 to James Klassy with the understanding that he may only apply for a fire number at this time, not a home, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. If a home is to be erected in the future, another driveway permit must be approved before a building permit can be issued.

New Business

Recycling Supervisor Applicants– Dan Reeson move to hire Cindi Allbee as the Town Recycling Supervisor, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Employer Grievance Procedure– The 2011 WI Act 10 (budget repair bill) requires that all municipal employers adopt a grievance procedure for all employees. The WTA will be providing a sample that includes required elements. In the meantime, the Town needs to determine who could be an “impartial hearing officer” to hear grievances, possibly Mary Ann Oemichen, an attorney who is not currently practicing law, but does quite a bit of human resources work.

Concealed Carry of Weapons in public buildings– The 2011 WI Act 35 made the concealed carrying of weapons legal in WI beginning November 1st. The Town can post signs in the Town Hall banning the open or concealed carrying of weapons into municipal buildings or special events by using signs. Dan Truttmann will check on the requirements needed to do this.

Resolution or Ordinance for Green Cty “All Hazards Mitigation Plan Revision(by11-1-11)– Town Board will review the CD enclosed in the mailing we received from Emergency Management and will vote on a resolution at the September Board meeting. Steve Hermanson had checked on the recycling grant information from last month’s meeting. It has been determined that the Town may continue applying for the same grant we applied for in the past.

Charges for Public Services– The Board put together a list of charges for gravel work done for Dan Truttmann. Dan Reeson move to charge Dan Truttmann $211.58 for gravel work, labor, material, and use of the Town truck and tractor/loader, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Adjournment– Dan Truttmann move to adjourn the meeting, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Anderson, Clerk