Town of York
Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson, along with two concerned citizens. Verification of proper notice was given. Dan Truttmann move to approve the November minutes, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report– Ann had done some reclassifying of accounts to reflect expenses more accurately, especially wage withholding.

Bills-Bills were presented for a new truck display, limestone chips, repair parts, reimbursement to Wayne Bue, and a bill from Steve Hermanson for road work done –for a total of $1809.82.

Patrolman’s Report/Kenworth Bill– Rather than replacing a $2000 turbo on the Freightliner, Wayne just had it fixed for $996.58. The Board has decided to not buy new chains for the caterpillar at this time. Rather, Wayne will try reducing the air pressure in the tires, putting the chains on, and then airing up the tires again, in an effort to get the chains to fit tighter. Wayne continues to cut brush.

New Business

Roger Mahlkuch-Rural Insurance– Roger thanked the Board for our business and proceeded to lead us through the items on our policy. Steve questioned the $87,000 value on the 2000 IHC truck, thinking it is probably not worth that amount and could be insured for less. Roger will look into the cost of the policy by checking on a $500.00 or $1000.00 deductible.

Ron Gittshammer/Real Estate Tax Issue– Ron feels that the taxes on his newly purchased home are too high according to a recent appraisal. He was encouraged to attend the Open Book in the spring, and if not satisfied, to appeal to the Board of Review.

Plan Commission– Dan Truttmann brought the revised Town of York map for the Board to review as far as potential Farmland Preservation area. More changes were made to the map and it will be again revised. The deadline for FLP signup is March, 2012.

Old Business

Billboard Ordinance– Dan Truttmann emailed some questions and concerns about the proposed ordinance to Todd Larson, mainly addressing prohibited signs. The Board feels that subdivision signs, as long as they are done tastefully should be allowed. Variances and nuisance signs will be determined by the Board. The Plan Commission will rewrite the subdivision sign section of the ordinance.

Driveway Permit-Vladimir Bulat/W7446 Kuenzi Lane- Mr. Bulat did not appear before the Board.

Adjournment– Dan Truttmann move to adjourn the meeting, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Anderson, Clerk