Town of York
Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting
January 11th, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, and Clerk Nancy Anderson along with two concerned citizens. Verification of proper notice was given. Dan Truttmann move to approve the December minutes, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report- Ann reported tax collections in December of $764,520.70, then turning around and paying out $697,995.00. After paying the County, the local school districts, the technical colleges their portions, the Town retained their portion- $84,832.61 of the tax collections.
Bills– Bills presented were for salt chips, vehicle parts, and treasurer expenses. Dan Reeson move to approve the bills, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. Ann presented the budget report reflecting the final 2010 actual revenues and expenses.
Patrolman Report- Wayne was not present.
Plan Commission- No representative present.
Public Comments– None
Old Business
Annual Newsletter- The Town would like to see the “newsletter” on the website. A one page double-sided letter would be good and maybe some hard copies to distribute as needed.
New Business
Land Division Data Base- Steve will call Ekum Abstract to have them meet with the Plan Commission again.
2011 Town Board Priorities– This year the Board will be focusing on repairing the main shed, do a night time road sign evaluation, landscape the Town property (Dan Truttmann has ordered shrubs), and sand blast and paint the old truck.
Adjournment- Dan Reeson move to adjourn the meeting, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk