Tuesday, April 20, 2010
8:00 P.M.

The Annual York town board meeting was called to order at 8:04 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Dan Truttmann, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Nathan Ula and Clerk Nancy Anderson along with citizens Dick and Marilyn Jaeger. Verification of proper notice was given.

The clerk read the minutes of the April 21, 2009 Annual meeting. Marilyn Jaeger move to approve the minutes, Dan Reeson 2nd. Motion carried.

Annual Financial Report– The report was distributed for review. The cost of highway repair materials was up

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for 2009 and will be up again for 2010. Although it does not appear on the report under Capital Outlay, the Board is considering building a salt shed. Also, a new law prevents Towns from reducing the amount spent for emergency services. If a town can receive the same or better service for less money, that needs to be explained to the Dept. of Revenue, otherwise a stiff penalty will be brought against the town. Garbage and recycling costs continue to rise, also. Dick Jaeger move to approve the financial report, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Clerk and Treasurer Wages- Dan Reeson led discussion on distribution of duties and salaries between the clerk and treasurer. The clerk’s duties need to expand while the treasurer’s duties need to be reduced. Also, Nate is thinking of stepping down as treasurer. If any changes were made in salaries, they would not take effect until after the next election. Some thought was given to combining both positions into one, but then an auditor would have to be retained and that’s an added expense of $3000 – $5000 per year. For now, salaries will be voted on at the November budget meeting.

Salt Shed- Dan Reeson led discussion on a new salt shed to help free up space in the upper shed to allow storage of all or most of the Town equipment. The truck bay under the Town Hall building has been found unsuitable for parking the truck because of excess moisture causing truck parts and chains to rust. Board members are still researching costs, materials, and the type of shed it would be – probably something temporary, made of blocks that could be disassembled if needed. It was noted by Dan Truttmann that we have a cash balance of $40,000 and would not have to borrow or budget for the shed. Dan Reeson will check with the County on the distance needed between the well and the shed or any other restrictions. Marilyn Jaeger move to approve the building of a salt storage shed with a cost up to $20,000, Dan Truttmann 2nd. Motion carried.

Road Inspection- The Board recently went out to inspect roads. For the most part they are in good condition. The County will come to the May board meeting to determine repairs.

Public Comments- Marilyn Jaeger would like to see the new Land Division Ordinance on the Town website along with Plan Commission minutes. Dan Reeson will talk to Sean Shilling about the ordinance. The Board is planning to update the website in the near future.

Schedule 2011 Annual Meeting- Dan Reeson move to hold the 2011 Annual Town meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 8:00 P.M., Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried.

Adjournment- Dan Truttmann move to adjourn the meeting, Steve Hermanson 2nd. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Anderson, Clerk