Town of York
Budget Hearing
Tuesday, November 9, 2022
Please Note: These Budget Hearing, Special Meeting to Adopt Tax Levy and Town Board Special Meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the Budget Hearing, Special Meeting to Adopt Tax Levy and Town Board Special Meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.
Verification of proper notice- The Budget Hearing notice with the summary budget, the Special Town Elector Meeting agenda (to adopt the tax levy), and the agenda for the Town Board Special Meeting were posted on the Town website, at the Town Hall, at York Church, and at the Travis Leonard farm on October 14, 2022.
Budget Presentation and Discussion- Dan Truttmann went over the budget summary, including increased costs overall, levy limit amount (including debt for the Volvo excavator) and he explained that extra road work was completed in 2022 because of projected increases in road material and fuel costs for 2023. He also discussed the use of ARPA funds to cover fire and emergency medical costs, freeing up funds for additional road projects and town hall upgrades. The Town sets aside funds for new equipment (plow truck) and the Town’s portion of a new fire truck for New Glarus Fire District. Jessie Schlumpf confirmed balances in the money market and land accounts. It may be better to borrow money (can raise the levy) instead of setting money aside.
Total Highway Expenditures- Total highway expenditures for 2023 are budgeted at $198,200 (highway wages, fuel and oil, equipment repair, highway materials – contracted work, sand and salt, and signs and posts). Road work includes patching, paving, chip sealing).
Adjournment- Jessie Schlumpf made a motion to adjourn the budget hearing; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried and the budget hearing adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Special Meeting to Adopt Tax Levy
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.
2022 Tax Levy Payable in 2023- Aaron Gifford made a motion to approve the 2022 tax levy (to be collected in 2023) in the amount of $271,593; second by Jessie Schlumpf. Motion carried by a vote of ten ayes, zero nays, and zero abstaining.
2023 Highway Expenditures- Highway expenditures include highway wages, fuel and oil, equipment repair, highway materials – contracted work, sand and salt, and signs and posts, for a total of $198,200. Road work includes patching, paving, chip sealing, and bridge work. The Town’s portion of the bridge replacement on Badger Road is ~$20,000. Jessie Schlumpf made a motion to approve highway expenditures in the amount of $198,200; second by Lance Moen. Motion carried by ten ayes, zero nays, zero abstaining.
Adjournment- Jessie Schlumpf made a motion to adjourn the special meeting; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried and the special meeting of town electors adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Town Board Special Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 7:21 p.m. The meeting was held in person and as a video conference on Zoom. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor April Prusia, 2nd Supervisor Travis Leonard, and Clerk-Treasurer Jessie Schlumpf were present.
Adopt 2023 Budget- Dan Truttmann made a motion to approve the 2023 budget as presented; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Dan Truttmann also spoke about the revaluation, the hot real estate market, including how it will affect the mill rate. The total assessed value in 2019 was ~$94 million, 2020 – ~$96 million, 2021 – ~$99 million, and the estimated revaluation for 2022 is $162 million (up 63%). York does not have control over county, school, or tech school budgets, but we do for ours. York’s mill rate has been ~$2.50/$1,000 and the estimated mill rate for the Town is $1.67/$1,000.
2023 Highway Expenditures- Dan Truttman made a motion to approve the total highway expenditures in the amount of $198,200; second by April Prusia. Motion carried.
Adjournment- Travis Leonard moved to adjourn the meeting; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Schlumpf, Clerk-Treasurer