Plan Commission Meeting Minutes – January 6, 2025
Please Note: These Plan Commission meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the last meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Plan Commission meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final approval at that time.
Town of York Plan Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2025, 7:00 pm (CST)
Town of York In-Person and Video Conference Meeting
Call to Order: Chair John Knicker called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Roll Call: John Knicker, April Prusia, Charlie Umhoefer, and Jessica Peterson, and Dan Truttman (via phone)
Zoom activation for the meeting failed.
Public Comments: None
Verification of Proper Notice: Agenda was posted on website and on Town Hall memo board.
Review of December 3, 2025, Plan Commission Meeting Minutes: April Prusia moved to approve the minutes; seconded by John Knicker. Motion carried.
Old Business: Jason Rowley submitted a Preliminary Parcel Division form to split parcel 230320891100 into 4 total parcels. John Knicker moved to recommend approval to the Town of York Board as long as new CSM is created by December 31, 2025. Second by April Prusia. Vote unanimous.
Town Board members Leonard and Gifford were present and discussion included possibly editing the Draft Land Division Ordinance to include incentive to split smaller parcels and/or cluster building sites to ensure large areas of productive land remain intact. Various existing scenarios were discussed.
John Knicker to request attorney recommendation for language which would allow transfer of virtual acres to better enable the retention of large tracts of productive acres and also better enable smaller parcels to be split.
Charlie Umhoefer to draft language for review to create an additional bullet point in section 7c of the draft ordinance.
The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
Adjournment: John Knicker moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m.; seconded by Charlie Umhoefer. Motion carried.