Town of York, Green County, Wisconsin
Minutes of Monthly Board Meeting
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Please Note: These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting. These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.
The meeting was called to order by Dan Truttmann at 7:04 pm. The meeting was held via video conference on Zoom and in person. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor Travis Leonard, 2nd Supervisor Aaron Gifford, and Clerk-Treasurer Brenda Hackbart were present. Verification of proper notice was given.
Public Comment –
- Jenna Jacobson representative for State Assembly – Green County is now within her district and wanted to introduce herself and offer her assistance to township if needed.
Minutes of 7/9/2024 Town Board Meetings – Minutes were presented; one correction needed. Motion made by Dan Truttmann to approve the Board Meeting minutes with correction made; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s Report was presented. Brenda Hackbart reported working multiple hours with accountant and QuickBooks service to correct payroll settings and various account settings; finding wrong accounts used for some automatic expenses and correcting as identified; beginning process to digitize prior year invoices into QuickBooks for accountant reference. Provided Board with copies of Accountant’s Financial Statement and 2023 Audit reports, noting accountant recommendations. Motion made by Dan Truttmann to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
Bills to be Paid – Report was presented with separate report for transactions. Request made to provide invoices for any bills requiring approval and confirm accuracy of Green County Highway invoice before paying. Motion made by Dan Truttmann to approve bills to be paid as presented; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried.
Patrolman’s Report – Lance Moen reported lots of grading performed and gravel used for washouts due to rain; seeing less parsnip possibly due to timing of multiple mowings, noting as grass grows seeing less weeds; cleared downed trees; thanked those that assisted while out; still unable to locate source of leak in Town Hall ceiling; Brian Schlafli picked up culverts, Clerk to be sent invoices; most of Green County Highway work has been completed. Patrolman suggested may be time to change the mower and possibly the V-plow; he’ll check with possible interested parties and with Wisconsin Surplus in Mt Horeb about selling and their fall auctions. Patrolman presented Board with list of tires and prices for various vehicles/equipment. Discussion on which vehicles/equipment were priority for new tires; requested Patrolman to check with Nihles Farm Tire in Platteville for more pricing options on other tires – referenced government pricing of 3% markup. Board approved initial purchase of Bridgestone W919 tires from Don’s at $475/tire.
Dan Truttmann reported calling Allegiant Oil, confirmed no need for contracted delivery throughout year as only use roughly ½ tank per year and have surplus at present.
Plan Commission Report – Dan Truttmann reported attorney Larry Konopacki presented final land division ordinance; Commission considering using Vierbicher to administer and maintain DUA’s database; Board discussed options for imaging DUA items.
Business Items-
- Approve refund of deposit for Ed Stampfli driveway: Travis Leonard inspected driveway and believe topcoat of gravel needed; will discuss with Ed Stampli. Travis Leonard moved to table approval until driveway installation acceptable.
- Review Livestock Ordinance #01-2018: Dan Truttmann suggested may only need addendum to Ordinance once identify forms required and if complete. Dan Truttmann moved to table until next month.
- Discussion on new procedure for Board members or others assisting with Patrolman duties: Dan Truttmann and Brenda Hackbart explained this came out of Town insurance review with agent, citing Workers Comp coverage concerns; outlined method to track anyone performing Patrolman duties; discussed liability concerns over allowing residents to lend aid, Brenda Hackbart to confirm with insurance agent if need liability indemnification/waiver form or if should be paid as vendors; Board to decide if set per diem or hourly wage and what that would be. Dan Truttmann shared that the insurance review revealed we were under-insured but have remedied.
- Update on spoof attempt on Town of York and Chairman’s personal email accounts: Brenda Hackbart shared details about recent emails received from ‘known’ sender/contact and best practices for cyber security.
- Election updates and recommendations: Brenda Hackbart outlined recent upgrades, including purchasing battery backup device for voting machine and supplies for poll workers/Town Hall; future need for additional voting booth if reach 800 casted votes in next general election; working with Patrolman to provide painted handicap parking stall; and Board to work on securing alternate polling place location away from Town Hall vicinity that meets election regulations. Jenna Jacobson offered to assist in verifying if alternate polling place must be within township. Clerk stated the Partisan Primary yielded 378 votes, which 50 of those were Absentee Ballots.
- Discuss and approve use of Post Office Box: Brenda Hackbart shared concerns over personal info on nationwide databases for elections; use of PO Box is cost savings in long run due to expense of forwarding mail with each new clerk; delays when mail goes to former clerk address each time new clerk; concerns over security of Absentee Ballots in personal mailbox; confirmed no issues using PO Box for government or other agencies. Cost is approximately $150/year and Blanchardville has large boxes available. Travis Leonard made motion to approve obtaining a PO Box; second by Dan Truttmann. Motion carried.
- Discuss and approve change in Town Hall phone service: Brenda Hackbart shared new Total Talk package that includes new physical phone with call-forwarding and voicemail features; currently callers reach Town Clerk via personal cell # which is also listed on nationwide databases for elections; improvement from having to change contact info with new clerk; roughly $25-30/month savings from existing service plan. Dan Truttmann made motion to approve upgrade to Total Talk service plan with voicemail; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.
Additional confirmation of upcoming County meetings and which Board member plans on attending.
Adjournment- Travis Leonard made motion to adjourn; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Brenda Hackbart, Clerk-Treasurer