Town of York, Green County, Wisconsin

Minutes of Monthly Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

 Please Note:  These Town Board meeting minutes are posted as draft-only to inform town residents of the topics addressed at the board meeting.  These minutes are subject to review and possible revision at next month’s Town Board meeting and should not be considered official until they receive final board approval at that time.

The meeting was called to order by Dan Truttmann at 7:02 pm.  The meeting was held via video conference on Zoom and in person.  Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor Travis Leonard, 2nd Supervisor Aaron Gifford, and Clerk-Treasurer Brenda Hackbart were present.  Verification of proper notice was given.

Public Comment –

  • Bill Kuenzi requested an update to alternate election poll site and suggested having two locations with dedicated phone line and handicap accessibility. Dan Truttmann identified York Memorial Lutheran Church as a possible site and said Town will follow up.
  • Jodi Bubenzer concerned about opening ATV routes on Poplar Grove, citing traffic and speed; and concerns on operation hours starting at 4am.
  • Breanne Parr has safety concerns related to County Roads J and H, citing young drivers and speeding; possible safer route of Amber Ridge, which is a private road with ordinance prohibiting use due to liability, but would consider allowing if more restrictions were in place in Town ordinance.
  • Heather Thornton concerned about County Roads J to H and young ATV drivers on wrong side; commenting on challenges in reporting to authorities as already gone by time anyone arrives.
  • Calista Sagen in favor of UTV/ATV use and compared to any other vehicle as it’s up to driver to follow rules and laws regardless of the type of vehicle.
  • Pete Leonard shared that after opening Yankee Hollow Road last year, only had 1 reported issue; and it’s up to the driver, not the type of vehicle.
  • Meg Pokorny stated County Road H should be removed from routes for safety reasons citing recent motorcycle accident on Sawmill Road and County Road H.
  • Kristi Leonard clarified that the township could open town roads but someone from an ATV/UTV club needs to apply with the County for County Roads and Sheriff’s office for Highways to be open; then the County and Sheriff decide if allowable route based on studying traffic, line of site, etc.

Minutes of 6/11/2024 Town Board Meetings – Minutes were presented.  Motion made by Travis Leonard to approve the Board Meeting minutes; second by Aaron Gifford. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report – The Treasurer’s Report was presented.  Brenda Hackbart reported that journal entries from accountant have been made; awaiting accountant’s return from vacation to finalize 2023 Audit findings as found additional entry items needing adjustment.  Dan Truttmann noted possible errors with subaccounts linked to Clerk and Patrolman payroll; Brenda Hackbart will work with Accountant to confirm correct or remedy.  Motion made by Dan Truttmann to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.

Bills to be Paid – Report was presented with no outstanding bills to be approved.  Brenda Hackbart noted the report date range changed to full month prior to meeting to match Treasurer’s Report date range.

Patrolman’s Report – Lance Moen extended gratitude to all who helped with while he was on vacation again; and for all the work residents are doing with weed removal.  Lance Moen reported more branch/tree cleanup and clearing ditches due to water buildup; and focusing now on mowing and driveways.  Lance Moen found water leaking from Town Hall ceiling two or three times now; but must do more exploring as source of leak unidentified after attic inspection. Dan Truttmann stated he received offer from Eric Wild at Green County Highway Dept. to help with road cleanup; Board and Patrolman will consider for larger projects if Lance Moen unable to keep up.

Plan Commission Report – Dan Truttmann reported nothing new as no meeting in July due to a holiday.

Business Items-

  • Discuss and approval of new CSM for Gerald BuschBob Talarczyk shared it’s a large tract of land being divided up & auctioned off in August with no current plans to split further.  Discussion regarding the process going through Plan Commission reviewing land division guidelines and will need to adhere to ordinance when ordinance completed.  Dan Truttmann stating either he or John Knicker should talk to Tom Bidlingmaier.  Motion made by Dan Truttmann to approve the CSM for Gerald Busch’s Lot 1, approximately 139 acres; second by Aaron Gifford.  Motion carried.
  • Discuss and approve proposed ATV/UTV Ordinance #2024-01: Brenda Hackbart mentioned minor additional verbiage updates were made after ordinance submitted to attorney for review.  Dan Truttmann referred to additional information provided by John Knicker on other municipalities ATV/UTV ordinances.  Discussion on Town attorney adding state statutes and legal opinions; if need to include further safety harness detail but cited DNR rules and regulations apply; who to pay for signage and how may delay opening routes if waiting for donations to offset signage costs.  Raechel Plum shared Green County has given funds to municipalities for signage; Travis Leonard stated they’ve given York the signs in past.  Motion made by Travis Leonard to approve Ordinance #2024-01 which repeals and replaces Ordinance #2022-2 pertaining to ATV/UTV Routes and Regulations; second by Aaron Gifford.  Dan Truttmann stated has concerns on mixed use, heavy traffic and not in favor of expanding routes due to safety concerns but believes ordinance has been improved in other ways.  Roll Call Vote: 2 in favor of approval, 1 against approval; motion carried.
  • Approval of proposed Claims Procedure Ordinance #2024-02: Motion made by Travis Leonard to approve Ordinance #2024-02 which repeals and replaces Ordinance #10-5 pertaining to Authorizing Alternative Claims Procedure; second by Aaron Gifford.  Motion carried.
  • Review Livestock Ordinance #01-2018:  Board to review and discuss if revisions needed at next Board meeting.
  • Approve refund of deposit for Travis Thompson’s driveway:  Lance Moen verified driveway installed per application.  Motion made by Dan Truttmann to approve refund; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.
  • Discussion on sealing Drop Box: Brenda Hackbart cited recent court appeal ruling allowing each municipality to decide if utilizing a Drop Box for Absentee Ballot returns; and since York’s drop box is not monitored daily, Clerk is not able to identify the date ballot returned which is required per Election rules – required rejecting a ballot in April for this reason. Also stated drop box collects water during strong winds/rain, damaging contents.  At Patrolman’s discretion, will work on sealing or removing drop box while ensuring Town Hall door secure.
  • Review and authorize/sign Johnson Block engagement letter and review of 2023 Audit: Discussed both documents, noting one possible journal entry for 2023 to be made yet as mentioned earlier and budget adjustments could be made before end of each year if known.

 Adjournment- Dan Truttmann made motion to adjourn; second by Travis Leonard.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:53 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Brenda Hackbart, Clerk-Treasurer