Official Referendum Ballot
November 5, 2024

Notice to Voters: If you are voting on Election Day, your ballot must be initialed by two election inspectors. If you are voting absentee, your ballot must be initialed by the municipal clerk or deputy clerk. Your ballot may not be counted without initials. (See end of ballot for initials).

Instructions to Voters
If you make a mistake on your ballot or have a question, ask an election inspector for help. (Absentee voters: contact your municipal clerk).

To vote in favor of a question, make an “X” or other mark in the square next to “Yes,” like this: 

To vote against a question, make an “X” or other mark in the square next to “No,” like this: 

School District

Question: Shall the School District of Argyle, Lafayette and Green Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $310,000 for the 2024-2025 school year (and to remain at that amount for the 2025-2026 school year), and by an additional $490,000 for the 2026-2027 school year (for a total of $800,000 and to remain at that amount thereafter), for recurring purposes consisting of sustaining district operating expenses to maintain the current level of operations?


(Reverse Side of Ballot)
November 5, 2024
School District of Argyle, Wisconsin
Municipality and ward number(s): ____________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________Ballot issued by
Initials of Election Inspectors
______________________________________________________________________________Absentee Ballot issued by
__________________________________________Initials of Municipal Clerk or
Deputy Clerk

Certification of Voter Assistance
I certify that I marked or read aloud this ballot at the request and direction of a voter who is authorized under Wis. Stat. §6.82 to receive assistance.

Signature of assistor