Town of York
Public Hearing
Moratorium on Livestock Facilities Ordinance #16-01

Dan Reeson called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Clerk Nancy Anderson, Rural Land Commission Committee (RLCC) members, Nana Schowalter, Bob Bergman, Bethany Storm, and Dan Truttmann, along with concerned citizens Bob and Carol Helmeid, Linda Yates, Lyle Klosterman, James and AnnaMaria Bliven, Virgil and Dawn Haag, Mark and Sandy Meisberger, Meg Pokorny, Kristi Leonard, Travis Leonard, and Megan Rindy. Verification of proper notice was given.

Nana Schowalter led the discussion about the need for this moratorium, expressing concerns about quality of life, the environment, safe water and how large livestock facilities might impact other smaller agricultural operations in the Town of York. Ten of the twelve months called for in the moratorium will be spent on research, gathering information on geology and water issues. The moratorium will be in effect for one year beginning on the day the Town Board approves the ordinance, which will be at the April monthly Town Board meeting.

Mark Meisberger is concerned about air quality as well as water quality due to a nearby large hog facility. Bob Bergman also questions the future of our Town roads, which are in need of much work already. Add to that the combination of less state aid for road repairs and the addition of heavy traffic and heavy vehicles servicing potential large feeding operations and the problem will become even worse. Dan Truttmann noted that any information gathered for the moratorium needs to be science-based research. Another citizen worried about land values going down.

Kristi Leonard noted that the Green County Board voted to not pay for a county wide water study. It was one vote short of passing. She thought that maybe if the Towns in Green County had expressed their desire for this study, the outcome may have been different. It may possibly come up for a vote again if one of the “no” votes asks that it be reviewed once more. Meg Pokorney informed the gathering that a public hearing was scheduled to be held by the DNR to consider a proposed CAFO in Lafayette County near Darlington, which is not very far from Green County.

After discussion ended, Dan Truttmann move to adjourn the meeting, Bethany Storm 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk