2104 Election Results

The following numbers represent the votes cast by the residents of the Town of York You can also download a PDF version of the results by clicking here Governor/Lt. GovernorBurke/Lehman291 Walker/Kleefish185 Fehr/No Candidate1 Burke/Brost1 Attorney GeneralSusan V....

Land Units

Land Units “Land Unit” is a term that the Town of York Board is using to describe an area of land that is owned by a single landowner. The concept is important because the number of dwelling units that are allotted to land are based on the size of the land...

Plan Commission Minutes – October 2013

Town of York Plan Commission Minutes October 1, 2013 The October 1, 2013 meeting of the Town of York Plan Commission was called to order by Curt Moen, President at 8:00 P. M. In attendance were Curt Moen, Brian Bubenzer, Todd Larson, and Heidi Hankley. Minutes of the...