Town of York
Budget Hearing
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Present were Town Chairman Dan Reeson, 1st Supervisor Tim Czerwonka, 2nd Supervisor Steve Hermanson, Treasurer Ann Carlson, Clerk Nancy Anderson, and York citizen Kristy Leonard.
Verification of proper-The notice was published in the Post Messenger Recorder and the Pecatonica Leader on November 8th. Tim Czerwonka posted to our website as well as on the Town Hall building.
- Budget Presentation and Discussion– Ann Carlson presented the budget with the new proposed levy of $240,285.00. After some discussion, a few adjustments were made. Trash pickup will most likely increase from $15,000 to $17,000, and recycling from $6000 to $7300. Nancy noted that the Board officials have not taken a raise in many years. Nancy move to raise the Chairman salary from $1900 per year to $3000, and the Supervisors salary from $1200 per year to $2000 per year to begin with the term beginning in April, 2019. Ann Carlson 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The budget for Board salaries and per diems will increase the budget of $8500 by $2700 to a total of $11,200. Ann will make the changes and the Board will approve the budget during the December Board meeting.
Adjournment-Tim Czerwonka move to adjourn the meeting, Ann Carlson 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.m.
Special Meeting
- Approve 2018 Payable in 2019 Levy– Ann Carlson move to approve the 2018 levy of $240,285 payable in 2019, Dan Reeson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
- Approve Highway Expenditures-Steve Hermanson move to approve highway expenditures of $118,175, Nancy Anderson 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Adjournment-Ann Carlson move to adjourn the special meeting, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
2nd Special Meeting
- Driveway Permit-Jason Fransen/Hart DeNoble Builders for Sean Conrad-(Prairie Brook Lots #1 & 2)– Dan Reeson move to approve a driveway permit for Jason Fransen, builder for Sean Conrad, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried. $1800 collected.
Adjournment-Steve Hermanson move to adjourn, Tim Czerwonka 2nd the motion. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Anderson, Clerk