Town of York, Green County, Wisconsin
Minutes of Public Hearing on Land Division Ordinance
Tuesday November 7, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Dan Truttmann at 7:10 pm. The meeting was held via video conference on Zoom and in person. Chairman Dan Truttmann, 1st Supervisor Travis Leonard, 2nd Supervisor Aaron Gifford, and Clerk-Treasurer Brenda Hackbart were present. Verification of proper notice was given.
Dan Truttmann provided some history and details of current Land Division ordinance, noting Plan Commission has been working on proposed updates for the last 18 months since original ordinance was created in 2005 but should be updated every 5-10 years; explained the draft ordinance is best way to implement Town’s Vision Statement as York is limited to county zoning since no town zoning; land division is only means of managing growth and preserving productive farmland; current use of dwelling unit allotments, dwelling unit transfers, tracking sale of parcels are becoming less manageable and create more challenges. Draft ordinance would utilize the term ‘splits’ instead of dwelling units; and based on the number of productive farm acres and soil types to determine number of splits. John Knicker shared soil map for Town of York as reference. Dan Truttmann explained details of draft ordinance and need for continued tracking of splits from sales and transfers. April Prusia reiterated that the changes were based on meeting the needs of both protecting productive farmland and still allowing for splitting parcels.
Public Comments:
Todd Larson’s email was read by Brenda Hackbart: Todd expressed appreciation for time and effort put into the new draft land division ordinance; stating draft ordinance’s innovative and forward-thinking approach to York consider changing the monthly meeting to different Tuesday as it conflicts with Green County meetings.
Lance Moen: questioned if he still retains 1 density unit under draft ordinance. Dan Truttmann responded in the affirmative.
Curtis Moen: questioned number of units he has based on his acres and soil types; and asked for clarification of term “debited” in section D. John Knicker explained that county zoning controls what can be built and should not be referred to as dwelling units. Curtis later stated the draft ordinance appears to be more complicated and believes some residents will lose units. Dan Truttmann stated the intent was to protect the productive farmland and use different math but same concept.
Dan Reeson: asked if platted maps are already done and if acres are parceled back in. Larry Konopacki responded via Zoom that all recorded land divisions previously conducted will stay in place. Dan Reeson asked about the ‘5 year rule’ as not in draft ordinance. Larry Konopacki stated that he didn’t believe it was enforceable so was removed; however, can divide 4 lots (CSM’s) within a 5 year period and still subject to same limitations on number of splits as anyone else. Dan Truttmann stated that the draft ordinance makes it unattractive for a developer to buy a farm and turn it into a subdivision. Dan Reeson asked how Town will record land splits. Dan Truttmann stated he’s discussed with Vierbicher and they’ll work with a consultant to develop a better database to maintain. Dan Reeson stated the draft ordinance is too restrictive and the original ordinance worked fine.
Mark Muench: asked about grandfathering in prior transfers. Dan Truttmann explained grace period was discussed. Mark Muench asked about the fee schedule. Dan Truttmann stated fees have not been set yet. Dan Truttmann stated that professionals may be used, and those fees would be at the applicant’s expense. Mark Muench inquired what happens if someone already started a split before new ordinance adopted. Larry Konopacki explained ‘vested rights’ and that the new ordinance would still apply.
Bethany Storm: appreciates the simplicity in the ordinance and the debiting of acres; noting cost of doing business will continue to grow, which is expected. Bethany also shared how complex the tracking of density units was in the past.
Adjournment – Dan Truttmann made motion to adjourn; second by Travis Leonard. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.
Respectfully submitted, Brenda Hackbart, Clerk-Treasurer