Plan Commission Position Vacancy

There is currently a vacancy on the Plan Commission consisting of five members. The PC does important work for our Town community, such as creating our Town Comprehensive Plan, forging some of the Town’s most comprehensive ordinances, including the recent Land...

Plan Commission Agenda – September 2014

York Township Plan Commission Sept 2, 2014 Meeting will begin following the 8:00 Public Hearing York Town Hall Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Secretary’s Report New Business: Bob Marks-Land Division Proposal Old Business: Report on preparing copy of Land Division...

Town Board Agenda – August 2014

Town of York Regular Monthly Board Meeting Wednesday, August 13, 2014 8:00 P.M.   Roll Call/ Verification of Proper Notice- Approve July Minutes- Treasurer’s Report- Bills- Patrolman’s Report- Driveway Permits- Jeremy/Joann Weber (off Hay Hollow Road) Bernhard...

Plan Commission Minutes – June 2014

Minutes of York Township Plan Commission- June 3, 2014 York Town Hall The June 3, 2014 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order by chairman Curt Moen at 8:01 P.M. Present at the meeting were Curt Moen, Heidi Hankley, Marselino Miranda, and...