May 20, 2013 | Plan Commission Minutes
Town of York Plan Commission May 7, 2013 The May 7, 2013 meeting of the York Township Plan Commission was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Curt Moen, President. Roll Call was taken. Attending the meeting were Heidi Hankley, Curt Moen and Terri Nipple. The secretary’s...
Nov 12, 2012 | Plan Commission Minutes
Town of York Plan Commission November 7, 2012 The November 7, 2012 meeting of the York Plan Commission was called to order at 8:07 P.M. by Curt Moen, President. Curt certified that the meeting had been legally posted. Roll call was taken. Plan commission members...
Oct 12, 2012 | Plan Commission Minutes
Town of York Plan Commission October 2, 2012 The October meeting of the York Plan Commission was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Plan Commission President, Curt Moen. Curt certified that the meeting had been posted in all three areas at least 24 hours prior to the...
Sep 12, 2012 | Plan Commission Minutes
Town of York Plan Commission September 4, 2012 The September meeting of the York Plan Commission was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Brian Bubenzer in the absence Day their on can you monitor text messages non smartphone liquids. And oil product gives money. Make soap...
May 12, 2012 | Plan Commission Minutes
Minutes, York Township Plan Commission Meeting of Tuesday 1 May 2012 Roll call was taken and indicated presence of Curt Moen, Kelly Hermanson, Heidi Hankley, Brian Bubenzer and Todd Larson. Town of York First Supervisor Dan Truttman also in attendance; he swore in new...